Nashville Banner from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

1 BANNER. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses, beautifies and preserves the teeth and purifies the breath Used by people of refinement for almost Half a Century Miss Ethel Evans has returned to Rich Elizabeth Fall has returned to Albert Coldwell has returned from Chattanooga. Mrs. Arthur Paty of Chattanooga is here.

Miss Christine Cooper is in New York. Miss Christine Steel has returned from Bell Geo. W. Brown has. returned to and Mrs.

J. H. Jones have returned to Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs.

E. D. Newton have returned to Athens, and Mrs. Kline have returned to and Mrs. J.

A. Taylor have returned from Miss Adelaide Goggin of Rich Valley Is W. A. Frost, and daughter, Miss Nannie, are in Athens, Mrs. R.

J. Taylor is in Louisville. Mrs. Rufus Porter of Tuscumbia is here. WINCHESTER.

lady. DECATUR, ALA. Miss Brooks Erwin of Chattanooga spent a few days here with Ben Grisard went to Nashville E. C. Mowry is in and Mrs.

Jim Watson and Miss Frankie Holder of Beans. Creek are visiting Mrs. Fred Kopp. Mrs. Jennie M.

Smith and two little daughters of Estill Springs are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mr.

and Mrs. Scott, who have been visiting Mrs. Scott's. parents, Mr. and Mrs.

A. D. Stanton, returned to W. B. Royster of Chattanooga is visiting Miss Sadie Gattis.

Mrs. Jesse M. Littleton went to Chattanooga Miss Eula Beaver has returned from Bell Miss Edith Phillips went to W. B. Ewing of Nashville is visiting Mrs.

Walter Dick Whittaker left Sunday for Murfreesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDowell of Chattanooga are C. C. Covington, and little daughter of Manchester, are visiting Mrs.

and Mrs. Joe Plasket of Nashville are spending the week-end with Mrs. M. J. Ransom Misses Lillian and Hannah Whol of Gadsden, are here.

Mrs. E. 0. Kaserman and little daughter, Miss Pearle Bowling, of Clinton, are here. Mrs.

P. B. Keith left Tuesday for McAlester, Fred Wilbert, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprague, left for her home in Plaquemine, Tuesday.

Miss Sadie Gattis entertained the Girls' Card Club last Thursday afternoon. The club prize, hand-painted vase, was won by Miss Edith Phillips. The guest prize was won by Mrs. Harvey Templeton Mrs. Harvey Walmsley entertained the Married Ladies' Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.

Anna Walms. ley. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Anna Walmsley on next Monday. On Sunday, May 23, at the home of the bride, near Timsford Bridge, Miss Nannie Roark and Mr.

Carl Neal of this place were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Mr. H. H. Matlock.

Mr. Neal is a very highly respected young man and his bride is a charming and accomplished young Miss Pauline Roberts is in Miss Emma Landers has returned to Hillsboro. Miss Johnnie McCrazey has returned to and Mrs. N. 0.

Sawyers have returned to Marshall, W. B. Edmondson is in Tuscaloosa. J. R.

Smiley bas returned to El Reno, Okla. Miss Bonnie Jervis is at home from and Mrs. W. J. Middleton of Hamilton are visiting their daughter, Mrs.

D. C. Martha MoGwire is at home from Staunton, and Mrs. Hervert Yarbrough are at home from Birmingham. Mrs.

Henry Cook is at home from Wichita Falls, Misa Sarah Smith and Miss Emma Jones have returned to Glasgow, Ky. Miss Elise Johnson has returned from Birhome from and Mrs. J. C. M.

A. Leopard has returned Cowles have returned to High Springs, Fla. Mrs. L. J.

Ramage has returned from Nash. Mrs. Elizabeth Miller of New York is the guest of Mrs. Charles W. R.

Hall of Wichita Falls, is the guest of Mrs. H. B. and Mrs. Lonnie McMillan are at home from South Miss Annie Minor is at home from Bristol, Charles Black has returned to Julia Walden has returned from Columbia, L.

B. Wyatt is Washington, D. Mrs. Stephen Darby returned to New Orleans. Miss Lillian and Etta Ready have returned to Birmingham.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society held a social meeting on Monday afternoon in the Sunday-school rooms of the First Methodist Church. The occasion was one that was much enjoyed. The Woman's Literary Club held their last meeting of the season in the parlors of the Tavern Hotel in New Decatur on Tuesday afternoon. A social tea followed the business session. The next meeting of this club will be October 12.

LEWISBURG. The Lotus Club was entertained by Mrs. R. C. Armstrong.

Progressive rook was played, the highest score being made by Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. L. J. Nance.

Miss Hattie Mai Stinson has returned from Chapel and Mrs. W. D. Fox visited in Tuscumbia, Misses Iris Ledford and Bessie Jane Welch visited in and Mrs. W.

E. Gant of Shelbyville are and Mrs. J. N. McCord were here from Dallas, Mr.

and Mrs. D. W. Bridges have returned from Lancaster, Mrs. Parson Barbam has returned to Miss Annie V.

Benjamin has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Murrey of Brunswick, are here. Mr. and Mrs.

James Boyett of Lawrenceburg are Stella Weir has returned to Miss Edwina Fowler has returned from W. K. Kercheval and daughter, Mrs. J. N.

McCord, have gone to Seven Springs, DeKalb and Mrs. J. M. and daughters, Misses Bettie Lou and Sallie Hughes, were in Franklin Gentry Whitesell of Maplesville, is here. ASHLAND CITY.

Miss Bernice Bourne is visiting at Pleasant J. C. Wilson visited in Mrs. James Read of near Gallatin is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. J. Nettie Bracy has returned to Pleasant Mrs. S. R.

Brinkley has returned to Miss Rosa Lee Bell of Nashville was Miss Belle Sanders has returned to and Mrs. Thomas Bell of Columbia are C. B. Lenox visited in Mrs. Thad Watson of Clarksville is with her mother, Mrs.

D. C. Misses Ruble Judd and Laura Henry bave returned to Kingston Mrs. Irwin Allen of Nashville has been G. H.

Harding visited at Miss Ellen Teasley has returned to O. B. Cleveland visited In Misses Virginia Black and Sarah Robertson were with Mrs. Cornelia Dunavin at Harris' Sulphur Springs. Mollie Fussell has returned to Nashville.

Miss Katherin Groves of South Side is with Miss Mary Misses Annie Laura and Nannie Williams have returned to Cheap Hill. Mrs. Joe Walkey has returned to Dozier. B. W.

Nicholson of Columbia is here. Mrs. Myrtle Wall has returned to Miss Mai Dozier of Nashville visited B. E. Hearn has returned to J.

D. Atkins has returned from Neptune. MADISON. Miss Eula Davis has returned home after visit to Miss Frances Harding at and Mrs. L.

E. Creekmore of Franklin, came down last week to visit their daughter, Mrs. and Mrs. Will Jones of Pembroke, paid a short visit this week to their cousins, the Misses Rosser. The Mission Study Class held Its monthly meeting Thursday afternoon at the Presbyterian Church.

They were very highly entertained Monday by Mrs. Gunn, the members of the Missionary Society of Moore Memorial Church being also invited. 29, 1909. FLORENCE, ALA. Dr.

and Mrs. A. D. Bellamy announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Edith to Mr. Forest H.

Shrove of Tuscon, the wedding to take place the latter part of June. Miss Mary Ware Partrick entertained at card party Tuesday evening in compliment to her guest, Miss Bessie Lawles of Russellyille. were played at seven tables, the prizes being won by Miss Anne Lester Huston and Mr. Tom Rogers. Ices were served, followed by coffee and nuts.

Mre. W. P. Campbell'6 "Travel Study met Saturday afternoon, The subject for study was Infancy and Childhood of Queen Victoria." Several interesting articles were read. Mrs.

Rosa Neare gave several musical selections from English composers. Refreshing ices were Mrs. I. B. Staten is in Abbottsville, Aia.

Mrs. Wm. Richardson has returned from Mrs. Frank Worley has returned from Tupelo, Orville Myder and children are in St. Louis, Florence Holt is in Columbia, James L.

Brock and son are in Columbia, Mrs. Frank Jackson and Mrs. Andrew Jackson visited in J. H. Wagnon and children are in Corinth, Miss Alice Hale of Birmingham visited Mrs.

G. B. Ashcraft. Bessie Lawles of Russellville has returned Miss Jennie Longmoore is in J. H.

Carter, of Pulaski is visiting her sisters, Mrs. A. D. Carson and Mrs. J.

H. White. Mrs. 0. Van Buskirk has returned from London, Mr.

and Mre, Wm. Richardson visited in Miss Amelia Baddie is in Pickett of Montgomery is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Simpson, Pearl Powers has re-.

turned from Annie Powers has returned from G. H. Smith and mother, Mrs. Isabella Burnet, are in Columbia, Tenn. Miss Ruth Coleman gave piano recital Wednesday afternoon in her studio.

In addition to the programme given by her pupils, Miss, Ida May Stanley of Tuscumbia sang and Dr. Norman gave several piano selections. Miss Ethel Woolf gave a pupil's piano recital at the Normal College Wednesday night. Mrs. T.

E. Washington. of Kansas City, is visiting Mrs. R. E.

Cobura and Mrs. R. L. R. L.

and Mrs. Geo. P. Jones are at luka Springs, Miss. Fred Jones and children of Ohio are visiting Major -and Mrs.

A. J. Hattie. Holt Spencer has returned to Mamie Bennett of Huntsville visited Mrs. Isaac Knesman.

Mrs. Fred Standfer and children have returned from Rockdale, Miss Walton is in. Rockdale, Tenn. HUNTSVILLE, ALA. Mrs.

Felix Baldridge was the hostess of the Bridge Club this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Voekel entertained at their home on Ward Avenue Thursday afternoon in compliment to Misses Mabel and Mackie Armstrong of McMinnville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. H. D.

Medearis of Fayetteville are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. A. W. and Mrs. Robert Leslie of Harvet and Mrs.

William Garner of Wooly Springs are Caroline Burke has returned to Mrs. J. P. Powell is in Lucy Fowell ie in Miss Lucy Landman has returned from Mra. Gus White of Louisville have been W.

R. Steele of Chattanooga has been J. W. Cunningham is visiting Mrs. J.

M. W. E. Everett and Miss Eugenia Everett have returned from Hattie McAnelly 1s at home from Battle Creek, Mrs. Ben Hawk and children of Corinth are visiting Mrs.

John D. Mary L. Mankin of Chattanooga is vieiting Miss Clara Susie Chaddock is 1n Mamie Mastin has returned from Greenville, Ala, Robert Baugh is at home from Gadsden. Dora Geron is in W. E.

Matthews has returned to Miss Virginia Roberta of Gainesville is R. T. Coles has returned to Marshall County. Mrs. Alex McAllister and children have returned from Clare Miller has returned from Walter Given and Miss Mamie Given of Curley are visiting Mre.

George and Mrs. F. J. MoGrew of Shelbyville have been J. R.

Thompson is in Nashville. Miss Elizabeth Cooper has returned from Miss Emma Halsey of Chattanooga de visiting Mrs. Jesse G. T. Marsh has returned to Birmingham.

Miss Lina Keel of Paint Rock is visiting Mrs. W. P. Dilworth. Evelyn Mitcheil of New Orleans is visiting Miss Eugenia Gertrude Hopkins of Sheffield is visiting Mrs.

H. J. and Mrs. T. Grayson of Oklahoma are Delia Well has returned from Pine Bluff, Virginia Clay Clopton has returned to Wildwood.

GALLATIN. Mrs. Grace House was in Nashville. Mrs. Ed N.

Franklin has gone to Maggie Estes has returned from Miss V. 0. King of Nashville is visiting her aunt, Miss Leola and Mrs. Claud Senter have returned from Smith's Grove, Ky. Dr.

and Mrs. J. Erle Collier of Nashville were the guests Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wise Alice Howison was in Miss Nellie Rose and Mrs.

D. M. Briggance have gone to Woodlawn, Miss Margaret Nelson has returned to her home in Bramwell, W. Va. Misses Keeble Trimble, Edith Bradley, Mariah Guild and Mrs.

Ross Huddleston are the week-end guests of Mrs. J. B. Minerva Curry has gone to Harrodsburg, Miss Winnie Oldham has returned from Spring HIll. Misses Dasher and Savage left for their homes Macon, and Carthage, after teaching the past term at Howard College.

Mrs. Jesse J. Naive entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Club at ber home on North Water. Mrs. J.

F. Patterson entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Club on May 20. Mrs. Mack Gray and Miss Nell Brown served frappe as the guests arrived. The club game, was played.

Miss Jennie Morton Sarver gave two readings. A two-course menu was served. Mrs. John Brooks Alexander entertained the Ladies' Coterie Club Friday afternoon. Several out-of-town guests were present.

Mrs. Harris Brown entertained Ladies Coterie Club Wednesday afternoon. Twenty-three members were present. After a game of progressive dominos an elegant two-course luncheon was served. d.

Mrs. Brown was assisted in entertaining by her three attractive young daughters, Misses Ann, Sue and Alice. SHELBYVILLE. The B. Y.

P. U. of the Baptist Church here was entertained by Mrs. A. J.

Jarrell en Music and conversation, reading and recitations were the leading features, and elegant refreshments were served. The local chapter of D. A. R. and other guests were happily entertained by Mrs.

Emma Maupin Tuesday afternoon. There was a large attendance. Several new members were admitted. Mrs. W.

P. Cooper, the Regent, presided, and several able and interesting papers bearing on the country's early history and revolutionary period were read and discussed. Elegant refreshments were served. Dr. J.

H. Haskins and Miss Franelle Thompson were married at the home of the bride at Unionville, this county, Friday afternoon. Dr. Jo B. Erwin of this place performed the ceremony.

The bridal gifts were many and valuable, and the decorations beautiful. The bride is one of Bedford's most st brilliant young women -and is a highly accomplished daughter of Prof. W. E. Thompson, Superintendent of Public Instruction for this county.

Dr. Haskins is a talented and popular physician with a large practice. Mrs. B. B.

Mitchell of Tullahoma is NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write to her for home treatment which has repeatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thousands will testify--no change of climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes urle acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. -If the above interests, you, for proof address Mrs.

M. Summers, Box Notre Dame, Ind. WAVERLY. Misses Pauline Rogers, Theo, Fowlkes and Martha Carnell have returned from Murfreesboro and Nashville. Mrs.

Zula Lowe has returned to her home at Lowe, Miss Dollye Porch has returned to her home on Duck River. Misses Ethel and Etfe Ridings of White Oak visited here this Will Stribbling of Big Bottom is the guest of Mrs. John Mary Nix of Nashville is here on a Maurice Hale and little daughter of Cedar Springs, are the guests of Mrs. L. W.

Slayden this Wm. Mays and children of Jacksonville, are guests of Mrs. W. F. Allen at this Neugia Simpson of Blue Creek visited here Serena Ridings has returned to her home on White Oak after a wek's visit here with her son, W.

B. J. H. Pitts returned from a visit to relatives at Jackson WednesMrs. John Gossett has returned to her home at Dickson after visiting Mrs.

Miss Hayward left this week to visit at Ell Pas, Miss Marina Phillips left for her home at Paris this week. C. M. Standall of Tuscumcari, N. is the guest of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Winstead, at Ella Reed of Shelbyville is the guest of Mrs. W.

T. Trolinger this Nettie Hopkins has returned from a visit in George Reutter and Miss Alice Reutter ani Misses Mabel and Irma Warren of Nashwille visited Mrs. Ben F. Moody at this place this Mrs. Will Nix of Humboldt is the guest of her parents this Will White and children of Texas are the guests of Capt.

and Mrs. W. I. White this Thomas Talley visited in Nashville this week. Miss Earley Miller of Buffalo is the guest of Mrs.

L. W. Mrs. J. H.

Wells of Pulaski is the guest of her mother, Mrs. C. D. Wilt Spans of Denver visited Mrs. D.

B. McCann at this place the first of the Misses Edith and Ethel. Turner returned from an extended visit to relatives at Stigler, Wednesday and Mrs. Boyd Turner of Stigler, are here on a visit to their father, T. T.

Nellie Mai Talley is the guest of Miss Mattie Fowlkes on Duck River. Miss Louise Nelson visited in Nashville this Miss Mary Murry is the guest of Miss Mattie Fowlkes on Buffalo Miss Carnell returned from Nashville Thursday Miss Elizabeth Napier visited in Nashville Dr. J. N. Smith 'of Cuba Landing left for Murfreesboro Thursday to bring hfs daughter home, who bas been in that city several Miss Eunice McKeel returned from Ruskin Friday, where she has been on an extended Marion Plant of Big.

Bottom is the guest of Mrs. Thomas F. Mr. T. 0.

Gray, formerly of this county, now of Davenport, is here on a Mattie Fowlkes has returned to her home near C. C. Denton and children have gone to Los Angeles, to visit Ora McKeel visited friends at Ruskin this Miss Bennie Bell returned from a visit of several days to friends in Eva Beasley returned from Nashville Wed- nesday. HUNTINGDON, Mrs. Garver entertained the Booklovers' Club Thursday afternoon.

The contest for the afternoon was on Spain, England and Japan, and the decorations and refreshments were appropriate to the three countries. The prizes were won by Mrs. George T. McCall and Miss Fannie Brueser. Mrs.

Garver was -assisted by Misses Virginia Lee, Inez Eckland, Carrie Hilliard, Francas Cox, Lelia Simmons, Adelaide Hall, Edna Jamison, Willie McCracken and Helen Hilliard. Mr. and Mrs. W. H.

Carter entertained local society Friday evening complimentary to Miss Josephine Brevard of San Marcus and Miss Wanda Brevard of Gondola, Ill. In a progressive hearts contest the prize went to Miss Edna Jamison. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Priest entertained Friday evening 1o honor of three visiting young ladies, Miss Inez Eckland of New Mexico, Miss Wanda Brevard of Gondola, and Miss Josephine Brevard of San Marcus, Tex.

Miss Willie Warren was in Paris. Mrs. N. H. Wireback was in Camden.

Miss Leland Warren of Memphis was and Mrs. H. S. Hosea are in Wilson, Misses Leland and Nora Warren were in Alex- Biveng of Bakerville was Wanda Brevard has returned to Gondola, Ill. Miss Love Hawkins has returned from Merkel, Miss Nora Warren of Nashville is J.

W. of Memphis was Misses Kathleen and Pansy Wingo Trezevant are guests of Mrs. E. M. Mrs.

tom Belew and Miss Nora Williams of Yuma are guests of Mrs. H. E. Miss Inez Eckland of New Mexico was the guest of Miss Virginia Miss Josephine Brevard has returned to San Marcus, Miss Berthel Moore was in Miss Annie Hatley of Camden was Mrs. Clay Hudgens has returned to Caruthersville, W.

B. Troy is in Miss Effie Perkins of Lavinia is Maggie Landen and Miss Linnie Roach of Atwood are guests of Mrs. J. F. Leach.

Miss Chloe Peeler, of Union City was and Mrs. Theo Massey of Buena Vista was Miss Mildred Teachout is in Union and Mrs. A. M. Grizzard were in Buena Vista.

Miss Lida Townes has returned from Merkel, Miss Christine Priest is in Union Mr. and Mrs. A. Nunnelly of Hollow Rock is here. LEBANON.

Mrs. J. F. Doak was in and Mrs. R.

Q. Liard were in Columbia E. E. Beard and Mrs. Beverly McKinnie are at Bloomington.

Mrs. Robert Simmons of Knoxville visited Mrs. Will Mrs. B. D.

Pendleton has returned to Silver Springs. Miss Gladys Dedman of Columbia will arrive to-day to be the guest of Mrs. R. Q. Lillard during commencement.

Mrs. A Annie Vickers and little granddaughter, Katherine Vickers, who have been guests of Mrs. Lillard for several weeks, have returned to their home in Selma, Miss Alma Kimbrough of Memphis is with Mrs. Sam L. Doak.

Miss Anna Bremen of Memphis has been with Mts. Scott and Mrs. Earl Mann leave to-day to make Nashville their future A. Edwards of Del Raco, is visiting her sister, Miss Annie Misses Shryer, Lamar and Miss Eugenia Alford of Atlanta arrived Mrs. Frank Herbrick of Nashville was in Lebanon.

Mrs. Ed Batts of Nashville is with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miss Willella Stark of Louisiana, will be the guest of Mrs. Paschal Williamson commencement Miss Kate Bradshaw was the week- guest of Miss Mattie Lash Mrs.

C. B. Brown attended the funeral of her grandmother, Mrs. Crutchfleld, at Alexandria, Tuesday. A party of young ladies from the Lebanon College and Conservatory camped at Castalian Springs from Saturday until Monday.

Miss Margaret Sanders entertained at whist Tuesday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Lillian McGayock. The guest list numbered fifty. At late hour' refreshments were served. SPARTA. The linen shower given by Mrs.

8. S. Diorell for Miss Dannie Young, a bride of next month, proved one of the most elaborate social events of the season, there being some fifty friends of the bride present. The entire house was beautifully decorated in mountan Ivy and roses. Among the events of the afternoon were the reading of pretty little love story, a game, and the linen shower.

Mrs. Laura Pearson is in McMinnville. Mrs. Hilliard Wood of Nashville is with her parents, R. P.

Officer and Frank Burka is at Rubama Casey is home from Mrs. A. W. Hill of Clifty visited the family of Hon. L.

D. Mrs. Mary Johnson is visiting in Alberta Lewis has returned from Lysie Collins has returned from Thos. Mason is visiting her mother at Union City, John I. Lollar was in Nashville.

PULASKI. Mr. Earl S. Meadows and Miss Mattie E. Paisley were united in marriage Sunday afternoon, Rev.

W. H. Beasely performed the ceremony, Mr. Ollie Jones Clark and Miss Jessie Carden Were married Sunday at the church at Bunker Hill, Rev, Mr. Kellum officiating.

The King's Daughters met with Mrs. R. L. Abernathy Thursday afternoon. The Student's Club met with Mrs.

Al Owings Friday, May 28. Miss Mary Gilbert entertained with birthday party Saturday afternoon at her beautiful country home. Delightful refreshments were served. The Beaunot Club was charmingly entertained by Miss Ella Sumpter Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mr.

Lester Chambliss and Miss Mattie Beard were married Sunday at Friendship Church, Rev. Mr. Smith performed the ceremony. Sumpter Anderson entertained a ber of his friends Saturday evening a the home of his parents. The string band furnished music for the occasion.

Mrs. John 0. Carter as a Gypsy fortune teller, afforded much amusem*nt for the young people. In the guessing contest the prizes were awarded to Miss Roxie Hudson and Carle Reeves. A box supper was given by the Junior Order A.

M. Guesday night. W. B. Silliman was master of A talk by Hon.

N. H. White, recitations by Misses Annie Abernathy, Lillie Brewer and Carrie May Blakely. W. W.

Nelson, Past State Counselor of Alabama addressed the order. Mrs. Elliott M. Buchanan has returned to Chattanooga after a visit to ber mother, Mrs. H.

C. Mrs. R. E. Hern has returned from a visit to Gallatin and Miss Louise is in Mrs.

W. R. Diokerson of Buford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. H. C.

Laura Hall and Mary Young have returned from Nashville. Miss Florence HIll has returned from Annie Paulk has returned from Belmont Mattie Lee Hokley has returned from Washington where she attended Fairmont Seminary. Miss Jannie Kerr of Lynnville is the guest of Misses. Rhyburn and Katie Clay Erskin Abernathy of Okalona, is visiting Giles County Mrs. John T.

Steel has returned from J. S. Childers and Miss Emma Childers are in Nashville Mrs. Charles T. Brower has feturned to Nashville after a visit to her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Justin Towner has returned to Memphis. Miss Mollie Wilson has returned from Belmont Miss Carrie Cowan has returned to Franklin after a visit to Miss Elise M.

A. Parker is wisiting her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Mills.

Miss Brock has returned to her home in Chattanooga after a visit to Miss Hallie M. D. Sullivan has returned from Misses Bessie and Rebehak Brand are expected next Miss Tot. Wilson is in Miss Lizzie Smith of Decatur is wisiting her sister, Miss Alice Smith. Mrs.

John Grasse of Athens is visitng relatives G. Gowan of Nashville is T. B. Wade has returned from Mrs. J.

Polk Abernathy is in Cleveland, where she is making a tour of of the Rebekah Lodges in East Tennessee. Mrs. Abernathy is President of the Tennessee Rebekah John M. Harwood has returned from Mrs. Gray Ragsdale has returned from Athens.

Mrs. Monroe Hayes of Nashville is Miss Julia Pope has returned from Greensboro, Mrs. A. T. McQuigg of Lynnville is visiting Mrs.

T. J. Flippen. Mrs. Joe Baugh of Forrest City is visiting Mrs, A.

T. Miss Pearl Boothe has returned from Mrs. Lewis Mitchel has returned to Clarksville. Mrs. A.

Wallace and Mrs. Lula Dougherty have returned from W. A. Baugh has returned to Birmingham, accompanied by Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Mrs. E.

F. Everette has returned to Warring Butler of Appleton City is visiting Mrs. Annie Mrs. J. A.

Steward has re.turned to Jake Marian, Eugene Anderson, L. P. Padgett and W. P. Woldridge returned to Columbia after attending the King's Daughters Convention- Miss Annie Culbert has returned to Nashville.

Miss Laura Voorhies entertained number of her friends at her home on East Highlands. Mrs. Gracey Ragsdale entertained the Wednesday Afternoon Club last week. The U. D.

C. will meet Wednesday, June 2, in the U. D. C. room at the courthouse.

TULLAHOMA. Mrs. Dora Wooten has returned from Nashville. Florence Wilson of Nashville is visiting Miss Hilda G. D.

Hicks has returned from Wartraes. Miss Caruso Alderson is the guest of Mrs. Dora Nellie Mai Gower has returned to Lillian Hess of Nasbville is visiting Mre. Chas. Condra.

Mrs. W. R. Goodwin of Hohenwald is the guest of Mrs. J.

C. Mrs. C. E. Burrough of Dunlap is visiting Mrs.

A. V. John V. Wilson was at Miss Ruby Hicks is at home from' Radnor Mrs. Testamia Orton of Mt.

Dora, is J. C. Kistler has returned from Nashville. Miss Heloise Hickerson is Miss Mai Daniel of Coalmont has returned and Mrs. Oscar Hines have returned from and Mre.

A. E. Ray have returned from and Mrs. Robert Gowen are at County and Mrs. Chas.

Ivey of Shelbyville were Miss Emma Vincent has gone to Marguerite Hampton of Nashville is Miss Martha Hightown has returned to Miss Florence Howse of Murfreesboro is visiting Mrs. W. D. Misses Kate Rathur and Mary Clayton of Murfreesboro are Mrs. Samuel Jernigan has returned to H.

C. Nunnally is at Edward Hitt of Normandy is Ray and sister, Miss Ethel, are at County Mre. M. Walker of Miss Grace Waggoner of Estill Springs wAs Jasper is the guest of Mrs. A.

V. Hauson. Mies Mary Lou Cowan in Kate Morgan has returned to Nashville. Turner and Elkins of Decherd were L. D.

Ray of Chattanooga was Miss Lorina Shatner. has returned to Mrs. W. S. Condra of Connasauga, is here.

Miss Nellie Hickerson is entertaining a house party at the residence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hickerson, this week.

The honorees of the occasion are two cf Murfreesboro's most winsome and plished young ladies, Misses Mary Clayton and Kate Rettur. The visitors are being royally" and are the recipients of much 'attention from the society set. The Embroidery Circle gave an "outing party" at the Tullahoma Fair Grounds last Friday. There were many invited guests and the occasion was a most depresent lightful one. DICKSON.

Misses Bertha and Lela Rogers have returned from E. A. Rickert of Rockford, is visiting relatives Mesdames Clayton Smith and Tom Turner have returned from Pearl Ament of Kingston Springs spent last Sunday Miss Emma Bell of Cloverdale is visiting Miss Daisy Lula Johnson of Nashville is the guest of Miss Daisy Lewis Helberg has returned from a visit with relatives in the states of Ohio and Mrs. Robert Max. tin is in Mrs.

T. H. Harris has returned from Union Mrs. John M. Gossett has returned from Cuba Carrie Cash of Pinewood is visiting Mrs.

N. R. Sugg. Misses Fannie and Louise Cowant bave returned from Fort Mrs. Hazle Sager entertained at her home, "Overview," last Monday evening with a musical recital by her pupils, CARTHAGE.

Mr. Hubert Turner has returned from Branham and Hughes Mrs. Agnes Bates is in Miss Maude McClardd 1s in J. Stockard is in Columbia. Miss Mary Haynie of Hartsville is the guest of her sister.

Mrs. Ellison Miss Mary D. High is with her sister, Mrs. M. A.

Martin. Miss Mary Campbell has returned to Lena Webb has returned to Mrs. Arthur Webb is at Crossville. Mrs. James Worman has returned to Mr.

RAILROAD TIME TABLES SOCIETY: IN NEIGHBORING TOWNS Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Reed of Tuscumbie have been and Mrs.

Frank Brandon of Bessemer have been Miss Frances Youngblood has gone to Culiman Miss Mary Ellen Fletcher of Madison is and Mrs. Persinger of Woodlawn have been Eva Meek has gone to MisMiss Erminie Jones has gone to Florence Lord and daughter, Miss Jennie, have gone to Cincinnati, and Mrs. Witt Clay have been -R. W. Boetler of Hartselle is J.

D. Coffee has returned from Miss Winnie Westmoreland has returned from Robie Chandler has returned from Misses Sally Bandy and Pattie Festmoreland have returned from Pulaski. Miss Jane Umphrey of Huntsville is the guest of Miss Marie Miss Florence Turrentine has returned from Snow Pryor is at LaGrange, Miss Etta Strong of Huntsville is visiting Miss Marie John Jones and Miss Fannie Lawson are en East Maud Meadows and Miss Pearl Davis of Ripley have been here. Miss Lizzie Benagh has returned from Stovall of Jasper has been the guest of Miss Mary N. Moore.

Miss Susie Hatchett has returned from Ruth McAllster and Miss Beatrice Nelson of Pulaski are here. Mrs. Arthur Keyes was to Georgia by the Illness of her Mrs. Will Hayes and her daughter, Miss Watkins, of Mooresville have been Jas. Reynolds and Mrs.

S. J. Logan of Birmingham have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hill and Mrs.

J. W. Henry of Ensley have been Miss Pleas Hobbs and Miss Ruble Richardson are at Auburn, Ala. Miss Hobbs is sponsor for the First Battalion of Auburn Cadets, commanded by Maj. Schuyler Richardson, her and Mrs.

A. A. Hutto have been to Birmingham. One of the most delightful social events held here In a long while was the reception given by Miss Mary Norman Moore, President of the Athens College, to the graduates of the past five years, young ladies who completed their education under her direction, last Saturday evening at the college, at which time covers were laid for one hundred, and the dinner consisted of niue courses and lasted three hours. The alumnae reception, which was held at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. C. E. Frost this week, was an event long to be remembered by the members of the alumpae of the Athens College. Many were present who had been deprived of mingling with their sisters for years.

An ice course was served. The minstrel show given by local talent this week was a very largoly-attended event, and was in all particulars great success. MURFREESBORO. ATHENS, ALA, Nashville. WARTRACE.

reception for the Alumnae of The annual Soule College took place Tuesday afternoon. The programme for the meeting consisted of an address of welcome by Mrs. R. W. Vickwhich was followed by an interesting talk by Rev.

T. C. Ragsdale. Miss Letitia Jordan welcomed the class of and Miss Pauline Ridley responded. A musical programme was given by Misses Bessie Mai Ragsdale, Fanny Miller and Mrs.

Henry Flexing. A social hour was enjoyed, during which Misses Cornelia Spain, Letitia Jordan, Hughsie Ivie, Nell Major and Sadie Butler served refreshments. Mrs. R. 0.

Covington entertained at dinner Friday night in honor of Misses Tennessee Margaret Moorefeld and Lucile Farrar of College. The Sigma Phi Omega Fraternity of Mooney Sebool gave a dance Tuesday night at the Armory, The Reading Circle met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Gentry Smith. The period of English history from Alfred the Great to the Norman Conquest was discussed. Mrs.

W. C. Bilbro entertained from 4 to 6 on Saturday afternoon in honor of the young ladies of Tennessee College. Mrs. Kate Alexander gave a dinner Thursday.

Her guest list included twelve of her immediate relatives. Mrs. E. D. Cannon gave a 6 o'clock dinner Friday in honor of Mr.

Cannon's birthday. Miss Hughsie Ivie gave a recital at Soule College Friday, assisted by Frank Gum of Tullahoma. Mrs. R. 0.

Covington entertained informally Thursday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Nell Wilson, of Tullahoma. Misses Marguerite Rather and Temple Spope were the honorees on Friday night of a lawn party at Oak Manor given by Mr. and Mrs. Gearge M.

Davison. Miss Shirley Skillera has returned to Columbia. Bessie Ford of Nashvile is Lizzie Street Spain and Lyda Bell have returned from J. C. Reagor of Flat Creek is Miss Hatcher of Soule College has returned to Fayetteville.

Miss Esther Patterson attended the Webb commencement at Bell Buckle. Misses Florence Howse, Katie Rather and Clayton are at Mrs. J. W. Satterwhite of Nashville is Miss Analou Wakefeld has returned to Miss Anna Butler and Gussie Dodd of Nashville are Florence Garrett has returned to Nashville.

T. 0. Lillard has returned from Eliza. beth Wiggins of Sewanee is Jas. Cason is at home from Turner Henderson of Nashville is Miss Roth Reagor bas returned from Shelbyville.

Mrs. Hartselle of Nashville is the guest of Mre. George Joe Austin has returned to R. O. Covingten has returned from H.

Jamison returned Nashville. Miss Lynda Leatherman is at home from Dr, Frances McCandliss has announced the engagement and approaching marHage of her daughter, Edith Frances McCandliss, of Atlanta, to Leon Major King, to take place in the First Methodist Church June 16. Mr. King is formerly of this place, but now a successful druggist in Knoxville. Miss Deedie Jarnigan and Mr.

Leon Deering were quietly married Sunday by Squire Joe McDonald. This popular couple ran off and married unexpectedly to the family and their many friends. Prof. A. J.

Brandon and the Dramatic Club presented Monday evening, in Christiana, "My Lady Jarrell," a little drama that has won much favor. Prof. and Mrs. A. J.

Brandon expect to move 'Monday to Murfreesboro for the Misses Sedberry of North Carolina and Martha Black of Georgia are MISs Emma Cleveland's Miss Almattie Jarman has returned home from Lynnville. Mrs. M. Troxler of Tullahoma is visiting Mrs. C.

M. Dean. Prot. and Mrs. Ensley have gone to Normandy for a three-weeks' stay, after which they go to Miss Camille Johnston has returned to Misses Goggins have returned to Shelbyville, after visit to the Misses Mr.

and Mrs. E. L. Blackman and Miss Josephine Justice have gone to Chattanooga to attend the bankers' Mr. and Mrs.

C. L. Shofner leave to day for Virginia, where they will reside in the future, after spending several days in Nashville with Miss Mae Mrs. Tom Egerston of Nashville is visiting Mrs. H.

P. and Mrs. Ab. Mullins of Virginia are with Mrs. Clyde and Mrs.

Tom Dyer of Pleasant Grove were Mrs. J. H. Dyer's Miss Leura Moseley has cone to Chattanooga to visit Mesdames H. B.

and R. E. Moseley and Mrs. Will Morgan of Detroit, are Mrs. Edna Morgan's Mrs.

Horn- USE ALLEN'S FOOT EASE powden to be shaken into the shoes. you have tired, aching feet, try Allen's FootEase. It rest's the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures, aching, swoilea, hot, sweating feet. Relieves corne and bunlops of all pain and gives rest and comfort.

Try it to-day. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores, Don't accept any substitute, For FREE trial package, also free sample of the FOOT-EASE Sanitary CORN-PAD, new Invention, a tress Allen 8. Olmstead, Roy, N. Y. day of Tullahoma has return home.

Miss Sarah Clark has returned from a visit to friends in Bell Duncan Neal of Normandy is visiting Mrs. J. C. Cherry returned to Estill Miss Marguerite Moseley has returned from Bell Buckle. Mrs.

R. S. Clark delightfully entertained with a sumptuous dinner Thursday. Only the elder ladies were the merry participants. Conversation, music and quilting were the features of the day.

CLARKSVILLE. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith of Bainbridge, have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter, Mise Lillie May, and Mr.

Edward H. Morrow, 8 prominent tobacconist and member of the firm of E. C. Morrow of this city. The happy event whil be quietly solemnized at the prospective bride's home in Georgia on June 2.

Miss Roberta Luckett entertained the Bridge Luncheon Club in compliment to her guest, Mrs. Frank Wake of Louisville, and Miss Almquist of New York, who is visiting Mrs. M. L. Cross.

Mrs. Horace Michel entertained at progressive euchre Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Sadie Cauvin of Nashville. The Wednesday Club met with Mrs. Q. C.

Atkinson. The Book Club held a very interesting meeting with Mrs. W. B. Anderson.

Mr. Allen Coleman 'and Miss. Marguerite McGregory of New Providence eloped to this city Monday and were united in marriage at the Presbyterian manse. The bride is only 17 years old. Miss Cora Caldwell entertained the Evening Euchre Club Friday at the of Mrs.

John Clements. A german was given at the court house Tuesday evening in compliment to the visiting young ladies. Among those present were Miss Cobb of Paducah, Miss Cauvin of Nashville, Misses Sullivan and Arnold of Lexington and Miss Perenot of Alabama. Miss Iris Brandau has returned from school at Mrs. E.

B. Dentson has gone to Mobile, M. L. Meeker has returned from Louisville. Mrs.

Alice Manning and Mrs. Mary Manning have returned from Joel Fort of Sadlersville visited Mrs. Sterling Miss Manie Manning has returned from Washington, D. where she has been attending T. H.

and Miss Ella Puryear of Paducah are the guests of Dr. Jessie Louis Michel has returned from Balch of Little Rock, is the guest of Mrs. F. J. Mrs.

M. L. Rudolph has returned from Spring Mrs. Spencer Poindexter of Nashville is visiting her mother, Mrs. W.

H. Mrs. T. J. Harlan of Marietta, is visiting Mrs.

Heulin Hulda and Lottie Lyle have returned to Hackberry after visit to the Misses N. V. Truly and daughter, Miss Lucy Biver, are visiting Mrs. Howard Misses Ernestine Elder and Mattie Dunlop have Flora Nichols of Erin is visiting in the returned from school at Miss Mrs. George Crouch is in boro.

LYNNVILLE. Misses Marielee and Beulah Mayes entertained a large number of young people at a storm party Tuesday night. Miss Lucy McLaurine had as her guests Misses Bessie Hurley of Nashville, Sallie Dickerson of Athens, and John McLaurine of Mrs. Mollie Giddine is at Mt. Miss Jennie Worley has returned to Isam, Maury A.

A. Dickerson of Marietta, is with her mother, Mrs. O. V. Miss Misses Josephine Pearl Walker is visiting in and Ruby Fleming of Campbell Station visited Misses Blanch and Susie and Mrs.

William Trebing and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Caruthers of Nashville were gueste of Mr. and Mrs. E.

Neal Gracey. Mrs. Annie Brown was in Miss Daisy Hobbs has returned to Campbell Station. Miss Marian Logue is visiting at Isom. Miss Martha Barnett has returned to Centreville.

Rosebal Dickerson and Janine Kerr were in and Mrs. Tom Whitfield of Veto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. W.

Sue Jones Fleming has returned from Haynesville, Miss Sarah Mitchell Gilbreath is visiting Miss Callie May Hemblen at Athens, Mrs. J. M. Locks has returned from Decatur, Mr. and Mra.

R. T. Hickman visited in Columbia Charlotte Peery left for Isom, Maury County. Odoline Alexander is visiting in W. R.

Dickerson was in Miss Elise Gordon of Franklin is visiting Mrs. R. M. Mrs. W.

A. Smith visited ber mother, Mrs. Eliza Shields, in Columbia. Mrs. C.

F. Ausban of Nashville was here. Mrs. John W. MoLaurine is visiting at Cornersville before going at Fayetteville.

Miss Eula Farris of Hemleigh, is visiting relatives and Mrs. John W. Wilson were in Miss Ruth Cooper is in Nashville with her uncle, F. W. Miss Verda Kelsey has returned from Holly Springs, and Mrs.

J. M. Boyd and children of Nashville are Miss Dora Evins has to D. B. Garrett visited in Miss Minnie Voorhies has been here this week.

BELL BUCKLE. Rev. and Mrs. George Beale and Miss Annie Crockett of Nashville were and Mrs. Greer Peoples have returned to Miss Jacobs of Murfreesboro was with Miss Carmine Wooten of Mississippi was with Mrs.

Robert Anne Scales was here from Miss Alma Vance is at home from and Mrs. Henry Thompson of Shelby ville were and Mrs. Walter Stokes and SOD have returned to John Mankin has returned to and Mrs. Walker of Mississippi were with Mr. Thomas Fannie Neil Skeen is at home from Ward Paty is back from Tennessee Female Mrs.

W. H. Mankin and littie Miss Gertrude Manakin have returned to Mr. and Mrs. Vance are in Mrs.

Milk has returned to Miss Alma Brewer of Texas is the guest of the Misses Vance. Mrs. Harell Walling and little Miss Catherine Girault Walling of McMinnville are here. Mr. and Mrs.

Jacobs have returned to Beech Grove. Saidee Crouch WAS in Justice of Wartrace and Jenkins of Thompson Creek were guests of Miss Brownie and Mrs. Charles Toliver of Birmingham were Crookett has returned to Nashville. TUSCUMBIA, ALA. Mr.

and Mrs. E. B. Almon entertained Saturday afternoon at a lawn in compliment to Mr. McEwon of New York.

Refreshments consisting of salads and ices were served. Miss Babel Palmer and Miss Aline Scruggs are in Cherokee. and a Mrs. J. A.

MeWilliams visited Birmingham and Bessemer en route to Tuscaloose. and Mrs. C. N. Ware of Michigan are the guests of Mr.

and Mrs. James Bessie Schackleford of Courtland is visiting bor sister, Mrs. Ira Garner of Barton is visiting Mrs. J. W.

G. M. Drisdale is in Cherokee. Mrs. Will Williams of Cherokee is the guest of her sister, Mrs.

H. L. Miss Louise Stalzen of Huntsville 'is visiting Mrs. Pete Eva Smith, who has been teaching in the publis schools, has, returned to her home in and Mrs. C.

S. Frazier visited Bowser has returned from Denver, Colo. GUTHRIE, KY. Mrs. Nannie Talley is visiting the family of her son, Mr.

Jack Talley, in Miss Emma Balee will leave Tuesday for Lebanon, to attend commencement exercises at Cumberland University, where her brother, Lucien Balee, will Maud Wright, who has been teaching in the graded school here for the past two years, left Friday for her home in Bowling Green May Burman is In Cave Eva Young, who has been the guest of Miss Kalista Sadler, has returned to Sadlersville. Mrs. Joe M. Clanahan and little daughter, Virginia, are visiting in Christian County. Miss Olivia Lester, a member of Buford College Faculty at Nashville, is at home for the summer THE TENNESSEE LE CENTRAL R.R.

No. tion March Fourth City Street. foot 14, Main Ticket of Arcade, 1909. Avenue, 300. Effective office Broad Sta N.

Depart, Arrive to to Hopkinsville. Day Night 6:1683 Shopping Accommodation. IDally except Sunday. Train leaving Nashville at 8:30 m. ries day coach through to Knoxville (via Southern Rallway from Harriman), connecting at Knoxville with through sleeping care to points East.

Train leaving Nashville at 9:30 p. carres sleeping car to Knoxville (via Southern Railway from Harriman), connecting at Knoxvilie with through sleeping to points East and Southeast. W. TYSON, C. T.



New Ticket Union Office, Main 221 768. Station, Fourth City Av. Telephone Leaves Arrives Louisville am am Louisville Cincinnati. $7.55 am $8.35 pm Louisville 8.05 pm am Louisville $12.20 Evansville Chicago Evansville Chicago Evansville Chicago 8.38 Evansville St. Louts.

Evansville St. Louis. 7.20 a18.25 pm Evansville St. Louts pm 7.55 gham, Montgomery, $2.25 am 03.45 am Mobile, New Orleans, Birm Mobile, gham, New Montgomery, Orleans, 08.25 am pm Nashville Scottsville 13.15 pms 110 15 am Accommodation Nasuville Hartsville 16.10 pm 17.45 am Accommodation Hopkinsville 15.45 pm 10.00 am Nashville Decatur Accommodation 3.50 pm 10.10 am Columbia Mt. Pleasant.

18.50 pm 7.20 am Columbia, Florence, ShetBeid $7.40 am 5.00 pm Nashville Clarksville Accommodation $4.15 pm $:25 am except Sunday. a Stop at North College Station. arriving at 6 p. m0. runs from Mt.

Pleasant only. Train arriving at 7:40 p. m. and 7.20 p. m.

brings connections from Tuscumbia and Florence. R. W. C. WALLIS, District Passenger Agent.

HAL MUSTAINE. City Ticket Agent. N. C. ST.

L. RY. TICKETOFFICES NASHVILLES Union Station Broadway NOUS In City Maxwell Office ST. RY House. Cor.

Church St. Fourth Av. N. Phone Main 377 (Corrected Murch 22, 1909.) Leaves West and Northwest- -Arrive Hickman, St. Louis.

Ceasecta for Centreville (1). Hickman, Jack- SOD. "Dixie solid train. to St. Louts.

SOUTH AND EAST. Atianta, Connections (1) for all. branch line pointa. rpm ville Dixie Flyer, Solid Train, Dining Cars. and the East.

Connections (1) for Shelbyville, Sparta, Fayetteville, Huntsville, Tracy City, South Pittsburg. Accommodation. Connects for Shelby ville. Atlanta, Au- gusta and points beyond. LEBANON TRAINS.

except Sunday. W. M. HUNT, City Ticket Agent, Mazwell House. POWELL PHILLIPS, P.

A. Maxwell House. W. L. DANLEY, O.

P. Union Station. T. B. Read le in Mrs.

Floyd Robinson has returned from Gainesboro. Mrs. James S. Read of Nashville is with Mrs. T.

B. Read, Christine Fisher is visiting in boro. SHEFFIELD, ALA. Miss Lucile McClory entertained the Girls' Card Club Saturday afternoon. Punch sanGwiches and hon-bone were served.

The club prize was captured by Miss Adele Belser. The club's guests were: Mesdames Cooke, Robinson, McTyer, Grifith, McClary, Misses Belser and Sadler. Mrs. Clara Tulauf is in Birmingham. Mrs.

Lulie Ware and daughters, Misses Jesse and Algie Ware, of Montgomery are visiting Dr. C. B. Mrs. J.

B. Spruance and Miss Flossie Spruance are in Miss Louise Thomson is in A. Beaners has returned to Birmingham. McCord has returned to Birmingham after teaching the Free Kindergarten here this Chester Gavin is In co*cke has returned to her home in Marion after teaching in the public schools the past session. Mrs.

J. L. Andrews in Concord, N. C. Mra.

W. A. Kelly has returned from Lex-. ington, Charles Doud is visiting in Dr. and Mrs.

Ben Johnson, who have been the guests of Capt. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson, bave returned to Oklahoma.

Dr. and Mrs. K. L. Cooke of Clifton, have returned home, Graduating exercises at the public school were held Friday evening, when essays were read and diplomas were awarded to Misses Ella L.

Crosby, Della L. Little, Virginia C. Moore, Irene Thompson, Leona May Shook, Elizabeth C. Lowman, Margaret E. Blake and Mr.

John L. Hyde. Music -was interspersed in the program and the baccaiaureate address was made by Hon. H. J.

Willingham of Montgomery, Ala. EAGLEVILLE. Mrs, R. E. Williams and Miss Corinne Williams have returned from Nashville.

Mr. and Mrs. James Ogilvie and, little daughter, Martha, of Nashville visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs.

Nora MePherson and children of Harriman are the guests of Mrs. William Major and Mrs. T. S. Allison of Nashville visited Mrs.

T. D. Anna and Eula Neely of College Grove visited Mrs. 8. 0.

Mrs. U. J. Owen and Miss Maude Owen visited at Chapel Clarence Hailey of College Grove visited Mrs. S.

0. Rev. and Mre. Coleman were the guests of Mrs. Graham.

Will McRea has returned from Louisiana. Mrs. Martha Richardson is in Franklin. Miss Male of Murfreesboro visited Mri. 8.

po. is Te gence, inal Fire with acci oth 0. Edmonds. LAWRENCEBURG. H.

C. Hamborg of Nashville is here visiting 0. A. Brown and John N. Selle and children have returned from E.

J. Smallwood has returned to her home in Florence, F. McElroy of West Point returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs.

J. R. Boyet are at Lewisburg. Many weak, run down women have been restored to health by Foley's Kidney remedies Remedy -after the so-called female Kidney had Remedy failed to stimulates help them. Foley's and bladder 80 they will eliminate the the kidneys impurities from the blood that depress the and nerves, causing nervous exhaustion other ailments.

Miss Carrie Harden, Bowling Green, writes: "I suffered bie much until pain from kidney and bladder trouI started to use Foley's Kidney Remedy. The first bottle gave me relief, and after taking the second bottle was entirely well." For sale by DeMoville Druz Ca..

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.