Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

the the 'ANDERSON SUNDAY HERALD ANDERSON, INDIANA PAGE IN PLANT AT ELWOOD IN RUSH PERIOD Shipping. 300,000 0 a Daily Youth In Crash Hurt at Elwood Saturday Special to The Herald: ELWOOD, June 18 Slight increase is being noted in operations at the Continental Can plant, clals announced Saturday. One open top line has been added to supply ants canning peas, Two closed top lines are being operated to make stock cans for dairies. About 000 cans are being shipped from the plant dally, It is expected that five open top -lines will be operating twenty-four: hours daily during the tomato season. One Hurt In Collision A severe scalp wound and bruises were suffered by Henry Diehl, of Elwood, in 8 collision of automobiles driven by a brother, Albert V.

Diehl, Elwood, and Frank Mazzalupo, of near Rigdon, at South and Twenty-fourth streets at 3:10 p. m. Sat, urday. The youth was taken in the Clark ambulance to the office of Dr. Perry E.

Cotton and later was removed home. Funeral of B. F. Fisher Funeral services for Benjamin Franklin Fisher, age 84, who died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Laub, 2312 South street, will conducted at the Rock Prairie Chapel at 2 p.

m. Sunday. Burial will be in Tipton cemetery. Surviving besides the daughter are a brother, William Fisher; a sister, Mrs. Ida Irvin; al grandchild and.

five great grandchildren. Mr. Fisher was born in Hendricks county. His wife died forty years ago. Mr.

Fisher was a retired farmer and lived on a farm near Windaflt until he was stricken ill. Burial Of Jesse Eschmach Jesse E. Eschbach, of Ft. Wayne, who served as state examiner from 1919 to 1923, died suddenly at home at Ft. Wayne Friday.

William A. DeHority, first state examiner, will attend the funeral at Ft. Wayne. Mr. Eschbach was third state examiner, having succeeded Gilbert H.

Hendren, of Bloomfield, the second man to hold the office. Unfurl flags on Sunday in observance of Flag Day, was suggested today. Mrs. Robert Austil, 1503 South pital street, in was the York removed a from ambulance. Mercy tha Louise Wilburn, of near Windfall, was removed in the Jackley ambulance to Mercy hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks, 2718 South street, are parents of a. boy born at Mercy: hospital. Ben Baker, of Alexandria and Elwood, has been named Elwood good will ambassador for the Great Lakes to be held -at Cleveland June 27 to October 4.

Daleville Visit By Missionaries Special to The Herald: DALEVILLE, June 13, On next Wednesday evening the Rev. and Mrs. T. Titus, of Budaun, India, will- speak at the Methodist church. They are missionaries who have spent a yaer of furlough in Boston, and are now enroute the Pacific coast where they will sail for India.

They bring an intimate view of India. Every is invited to this service, and to meet Rev. and Mrs. Titus. Shower for Recent Bride Miss Helen McKee and Miss Ruth Jackson entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs.

Howard Kinnaman, "a recent bride. Attending were Mrs. Mary Nelson, Lols Kitterman; Mesdames Ethel Henkle, Marcella McCormick. Mrs. McCormick.

Vita Hartzell, Alta Holbrook, Alta Mooreland, Cora Fenwick, Shirley Jackson of Newcastle; Miss Helen Franklin, Mrs. Marie Dotson and Anna May, Mrs. Emma Cartwright of Chesterfield: Mrs. Katle Bowman, Miss Ruby Webb, Mrs. Marjorie Modlin, Miss Maxine Foster, Miss Frances McKee -of Muncie: Mrs.

Bart Jackson of Yorktown; Mrs. Vida Jackson, Miss Helen McKee and Miss Ruth Jackson. Miss Adaline Shrover was surprised on her 16th birthday anniversary by Misses Eleanor Monrey, Sarah Agnes Lewellen, Lots Shroyer, Harriet Cromer, Betty Beeson, Jean Shrover, Albert Olark. Lillian Beeson; Messrs. Robert Colip, Dale Mowrey, Raymond Safford, Dale McKinnis, John Pierce, Hubert and Kenneth Shroyer, Rev.

and Mrs. Virgil Yohe, Mr. and. Mrs. Luther: Shroyer, Mr.

and Mrs; Maurice, Shroyer. Miss Faustine Helvle, of Albany, N. and Miss Charline Coffman of Muncle, were guests of Mrs. Edward Nelson Thursday. Boys Judge Live Stock The boys club with their leader Harold Lawson, spent -Wednesday judging live stock at the farm of Walter Pugsby near Middletown and judged registered pigs, mares and cows on Saturday.

The members of the Delaware county -H club visited Marion Willams' farm, near Yorktown to Judge sheep. Countv Boards In Joint Session Boards 'of county commissioners of Madison and Tipton countles held joint session yesterday at the local courthouse to consider "plans and specifications for a proposed concrete bridge to be built across Pollywog Creek south of Elwood on the Madison- Tipton county line. Futher consideration of the proposal will be made before the construction: is authorized. Plans tor the bridge were drawn by Paul Phippe. Madison county engineer.

and the structure is. estimated to cost $3,611.42. ALEXANDRIA GIRL PATIENT- Miss' Judith Chapman, Alexand- Ha, underwent an operation yesterday at the St. John's hospital. Elwood Social Activities CALENDAR FOR WEEK Monday Monday Contract club, Mrs.

J. Flynn McCormick; Sigma Alpha Chi, Miss Arvona Dowell; Til club, Callaway Park; Lutheran Women, Mrs. George Riser; Delta Theta Tau, Mrs. John Stoker; Kappa Delta Phi, Mrs. Joseph Williams.

Wednesday Inter Amici club, Mrs. Earl Adair; Delta Dek club, Mrs. Ralph Hess; Jinx Bridge club, Mrs. Alma McMinn: Calendar club, Mrs. Martin Monahan: M.

E. Women's Home issionary Society, Mrs. Samuel Cloud; Legioneer Circle steak fry, F. Cellaway Park; Catholfe Youth Organization, Catholic schoul- building, Thursday B. U.

club, Mrs. Joseph Carroll; Stand-By club, Mrs. Lola Benediet; Golden Circle class, Miss Hazel 'Poer, Coatesville; Jolly club, Falls Park, Pendleton. Friday- I. PAL.

club, Mrs. Lawrence Summers; G. G. club, Mrs. Ralph Cooper: Friday Contract club, Mrs.

Fred VanTine, Tuesday- and I Circle, Mrs. Bert Naden; Sigma, Phi Gamma, public library, FORMER RESIDENT WEDS Special to The Herald: ELWOOD, June 13-Mrs. Fairy Aldendorf of Noblesville, for- Delivery Bonus Bonds At Elwood Set For Tuesday Special to The Heraid; ELWOOD, June 18. Arrangements for delivery bonus bonds to World War veterans in Elwood- and vicinity have. completed at the post office.

been, first consignment of bonds is expected. to arrive from Chicago Monday afternoon, and 188 veterans will receive these bonds. Veterans who filed applications prior to March 15 will receive bonds first and others will be mailed to veterans in the order they were received. Rural carriers will make deliveron regular trips Tuesday morning- but- city carriers will not begin deliveries of bonds until 2 p. m.

Tuesday. It the veterans are not at home the city carriers will not return later. than 5:30 p. and the veterans will be required to call at the post office on the same day between 7 and 8 p. m.

Identifying witnesses will be required. Certification of the bonds for payment will be started at the post office. Wednesday from 9 a. m. to 11 a.

p. m. to 4 p. and 7 to 9 p. m.

Witnesses also are required for Identification. Certification- headquarters also will be established at the American Legion hall from 9 a. m. to noon and from 1:30 p. m.

to 5 p. m. The bonds will then be forwarded to Indianapolis and checks are expetced to be received in four days. The Citizens Bank and First National Bank will cash the checks. free of charge.

LRsto bgkajmm Fortville Band Concerts Soon Special to The Herald: FORTVILLE, June 13 OIl. Wednesday evening the Lawrence township band, Owen Beckley director, will give a concert on the street sponsored by local merchants for twelve weeks. Miss Jean Ward was brought home Friday from the Riley hospital Indianapolis. Mrs. Gladys Gieger who recently underwent an operation at the Ellingwood hospital, was removed to.

the home- of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lee Clark. The Young Woman's Missionary society will meet Monday evening with Miss Marie Adams. Mrs. Emma Curtis, Mrs.

Ethel Kincaid and Mrs. -Bessie Bell entertained the Eastern Star auxiliary. Miss Marjorie Small, of Cicero, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Seweit Mrs.

Laura Carr and Laura Bell Lacy are visiting relatives at Seattla Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lakin, Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mock, Mrs. Manifold and daughter, Mary, had a weiner roast Wednesday evening: at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Ira Pickett near Lapel. Mr. and Mrs. Harold George, of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs.

AI Jarrett. Miss Evelyn Deal of Muncie, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Victor Burkle. Mrs.

Elbert Lathrop, of Oregon, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Armstrong.

The -Business and Professional Woman's club will meet Tuesday evening at the golf clubhouse with Anna Tobin and Geneva Boucher. hostesses. Mrs. Henry Cartwright, of Anderson; Mrs. Maggie Hiday, Miss Jessie Kinnaman, Gene Brewster and Blanche Bills attended a Riley hospital breakfast at Indianapolis.

They also. visited the hospital. Mrs. Ed Brown left Friday for Arizona to join her husband who is there for. his health.

Miss Edna Nichelson, of Fairmount, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nichelson. Mr. and Mrs.

Cleve Bell and Mr. Land Mrs. Basil Kincaid were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Wilson, celebrating the birthday anniversary of Mrs.

Wilson. George. Thomas is visiting his son, Gene, and family, at Kalamazoo. Mich. HUNTSVILLE Special to The Herald: HUNTSVILLE, June 13 MIs.

Mary Rozelle and children, Mrs. Laura Scott and children and Junfor Poor a picnic at Fails Park, Pendleton, Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Zelners is visiting relatives at Fillmore. Mrs.

Helen Stuart and Miss Marguerite Rumler visited the Stuart cottage at Lake McCoy, near Greensburg Thursday, In 1985 a total of 116,820 patients were admitted to North Carolina's 147 registered hospitals. LAPEL WOMAN DIES SUDDENLY merly of Elwood, -and Gilbert L. Brown recently of in Noblesville, Michigan. were married: Announcewas, received by a sister, Mrs. Gilbert Devine of Elwood.

Their children, Miss Thyra Aldendort and Lionel Brown, accompanied the couple on a two weeks! trip in Canada, where they visited Mr. Brown's father, and points, in the northern states. Mrs. Aldendort a member of the Delta Tau sorority here and the Christian church at Noblesville. Mr.

Brown is a chemist for 8 milling company at Noblesville, where they will live. Frazier Love- Announcement Announcement has been made of the approaching marriage of Miss Ruby Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Love, 1217 South street, to James W. Frazier, son of Mrs.

Samuel Ash, 1514 North D. street, which will take place at the Presbyterian church by the Rev. E. J. Yorger, Friday afternoon, June 19.

The announcement was made at a party given by the bride-elect at her Home Friday evening for the Sigma Alpha Chi sorority and club, of which she is a member. Miss Love Was a member of the- 1936 high school class here. Mr. Frazier was graduated from Elwood high school In 1934. He is.

employed at the Sellers factory. Bambrough -Riser Announcement Announcement has been made by Mr. and' Mrs. Charles L. Riser, 232 North Twelfth street, of the approaching marriage of their Beatrice Riser, to Robert A.

Bambrough, son of. Mr. and Mrs. John Bambrough, 240 North Sixth street, to take place at 9 a. m.

Sunday, June 21, at the Lutheran church, with the Rev. H. C. Hadley officiating. Miss Rider is a teacher in the Osborn school here.

Eastern Star Inspection ter by Mrs. Mary Frances. Price of Vincennes, worthy grand matron of Indiana, at the Masonic home at 8 p.m. Wednesday, June 24, were announced by Mrs. Nellie Perrin, worthy matron of Elwood chapter, Saturday.

Preceding the inspection a dinner will be served in a new entertainment room of the Hotel Sidwell at 6:30 p.m., with Mary I. Winn, a member of the chapter, as hostess. The dining room will accommodate 125 persons. All members of the Elwood chapter may procure tickets from Mrs. Vinetta Brier, 1428 Main street.

Delegations from other chapters may send reservations and money to Mrs. Clara I. Lewis, secretary, 600 south Anderson street, all reservations to be in by Monde evening, June 22. Mrs. Nellie Hollowell, of Pendleton, grand deputy of District 13.

and several other grand officers will attend. On the evening of June 18 several members Arrangements for annual Inspection of the local Eastern Star chap- June 18 several members will attend Joint inspection of Pendleton. Markleville, Lapel, and Frankton chapters at Pendleton, which also will charge of- the worthy grand matron. Friendship Night will be observed at Kokomo et 7:45 p.m. Tuesday, with Mrs.

Perrin, worthy matron of the local chapter, presiding as worthy matron for initiation ceremonies. Home Economics Club The Red Corner Home -Economles club met at the home of Mrs. Nancy Gritton, one-half- mile east of Red Corner Friday- -atfernoon. Installation of officers was a teature. r.

Mrs. Hazel. Alvey is president; vice-president, Mrs. Nancy Gritton; secretary, Mrs. Mary Etchison: treasurer, Mrs.

Nelle: Legg; project leaders, Mesdames Fairy Daugherty and Margaret Simmons. The red rose was chosen as the club flower and red and gray as the colors, Membership will be closed when twenty- members are obtained. Daugherty gave the project lesson on the subject, "Balanced Meals." Three new members were added, Including Mesdames Dessie Nuding, Flora Fern and Ivah Corbin. Miss Ruth Wimer, of Anderson, was in charge of the installation ceremonies. Mrs.

Grant McOreary of the Tollgate club, near Anderson, was also a guest. The club will attend the county picnic near Anderson on July 14, and the next meeting will be in August at the home of Mrs. Carl Fern. Mesdames Della Williams, Nancy Gritton and Nelle Legg attended the general conference of Home Economics clubs at Washington, last week. Mrs.

Legg and Mrs. Williams also visited relatives at Baltimore, Md. VanBriggle Wedding Anniversary Their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary will be observed by Mr. and Mrs. J.

R. VanBriggle, 2101 South street, with a party for several relatives and friends at their home Sunday evening. A mock wedding will be a feature of the affair. Eight persons who were members of the bridal party at their marrage, will participate. The Rev.

Mr. Cunningham of Aelxandria, who officiated at the ceremony at the 1 home of Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John.

Brock of Alexandria, -five years ago, will perform the mock ceremony. Miss Doris VanBriggle, 8 daughter, as -maid of honor, will wear her mother's wedding dress Mrs VanBriggle WAS the former Mayme Jarrett of Alexandria. Mr. VanBriggle, a son of Mrs. Julla VanBriggle, 1402 Main street, is a tinplate mill employe.

They have three children, Mrs. Burl Boston of Anderson and Rosemary and Doris VanBriggle, at home. Nance Cunningham The marlage of Miss Dorothy Cunningham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cunningham, of near Arcadia, to Jasper Vance, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Claude Nance, of the same community, which took place at 1 p.m. Saturday at the home of the Rev. E. L.

Ferris. Personal Mention Mrs. R. C. Perrin and son, Bernard, are spending the week end at Lake Wawasee.

Thomas Soloman will leave Monday for Fort Collins, to spend the summer with sister. Mrs. Chloe Short. Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph McDannel and daughter, Barbara Lou, of Tojedo, O. are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.

Rockafellar. Mrs. Sibble. Colley, of Stockton, Callf, who is visiting relatives at Anderson, will visit 8 brother. Charles Helms and family here, next week.

BIG FOUR TRAIN KILLS FARMER Charles Ricks, 69, Run Down At Shirley Special to The Herald: SHIRLEY, June 13. -Charles Ricks, age 69, farmer, whose home was five miles southeast of Shirley, was killed Instantly by northbound Big Four rallroad, passenger train at 4:45 p. m. today while walking on the tracks near the Shirley grain elevator here. Mr.

Ricks was partly deaf and apparently did not hear the train approaching. The body, in a mangled condition, was taken to the Condo mortuary at Wilkinson, Surviving are the widow, patient at the Henry County hospital at Newcastle; two sons, Levi, at home; Clifford of Muncie, and daughter, Mrs. Lee Fadely of Richmond. Jersey Bull In Attack On Horse, Rider; Man Hurt Special to The ALEXANDRIA, June 13 Albert, Day, farmer, about .12 miles northeast of Alexandria, near the village Stockport, is recovering from injuries he sustained when he was attacked by a Jersey bull on his farm. Day was astride one of his horses in a pasture field attempting to round up the 'other horses grazing in the field, when the bull attacked.

In its headlong rush the bull struck the horse between the front and rear legs, lift- ed the animal into the air. throwing the rider to the ground. Blinders on the bridle of horse vented it from seeing the preof the bull. With Day prone on the approach ground, the horse galloped toward the barn where men were working and the angry bull followed. Halfway to the building, the animal turned back towards Day.

When the riderless horse appeared at the barn, one of the workers mounted the horse, rode to the field where he dismounted and stood guard over the postrate figure of his employer. The horse again returned to the barn causing another worker to return with a pitchfork, with which he routed the bull. The horse was not injured as the bull had been dehorned. Residence Sold At Middletown Special to The Herald: MIDDLETOWN, June 13 Mr. Mrs.

William Lewis have bought the Mrs. Elgena Van Winkle residence on High street. Missionary Society Silver Tea More than 100 women attended a Silver given Friday afternoon at the Sixth Street Christian church 7 by the Missionary society. A mustcal program was by Mesdames Maurice Botts and Everett Swain, of An. derson: Vernon Jones, Maude St.

John, Edwin Jones, Karl Davis, Joe Hatfield and Miss Eloise Hoppes. Miss Stella Franklin, of Anderson, a returned missionary from India. gave an interesting review of her. experiences in India and she had anexhibit of photographs, Indian costumes and brass ware. Middletown News Notes Charity lodge of Rebekah elected officers for the ensuing term: Noble Grand, Mrs.

Dicie Hale; vice grand Mrs. Maude St. John. Other officers will be appointed at the next meeting. Mrs.

J. W. Hammer was hostess to the Wednesday afternoon bridge club. Mrs. William Graves, entertained for Mrs.

Leroy Ringo Thursday night at- the home of Mrs. Ringo, Mesdames Barrett Anderson; Ralph Heath, of Daleville; Edward Heath, Roy Ringo, Fred Smith, James Keeling, Christie Poore, Herschel -Moore and Misses Kathleen Fields and Malah Kress. Mrs. Joseph McCormack and Mrs. Mildred McCord entertained Mesdames John Walters, Ralph Walters, Pete Stokes and Misses Ida Barney, Helen Vickers, Mary and Crystal Pence.

Mr. and Mrs. Vet Smith, Miss Anna Smith and Ward Bell attended commencement exercises at Purdue University. Clarence Babco*ck, son-in-law of the Smiths, received a Ph. D.

degree, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Rapp and daughter, of Detroit, have returned home after a weeks visit.

with their parents, and two. Mrs. George Rapp. -Mrs. Ida Sanders, of Richmond, has been visiting Mr.

and Mrs. Monroe Fadley. T. E. Mowery, of Flint, was calling on friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Retherford and Miss Helen Hahn are home from Texas. Mrs. Harry Shuman and daughter are home from Arkansas.

Misses Edith Ross and Ethel Wolverton are spending the week end at Indianapolis. Mrs. Eda Ricks was taken by a St John ambulance. from Ball hospital, Muncie, to her home south of town. J.

L. 'Lennen was removed by a St. John ambulance the Henry county hospital, Newcastle, to his home. Mrs. Pha Harry was taken by a Niblock ambulance to the Methodist hospital, Indianapolis, Advertisem*nt Dr.

H. W. Harrison will be out of his dental office from June 14 to June 21. following a year's illness of complications. The deceased lived in Anderson until five years ago.

Surviving are her husband, two -sisters, Mrs. Joe Conner, Anderson, and Mrs. Joe Hackleman, also of Anderson, and two brothers, Elmer and Edward Lawson, of near Funeral Anderson. services will be conchurch in Cutler, Burial will. be today at 1:30 p.

at a at Pendleton. Brief services will be "held at the cemetery about p. m. today, Alexandria Social Special to The Herald: ALEXANDRIA, June Sunday at 4 p. m.

a lovely lawn wedding will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wilson, near Alexandria, when their daughter, Angle, will become the bride of Marvin Burkett, son of Mr.

and Mrs. T. O. Burkett, of Thorntown. A double ring ceremony will be read by the Rev.

Edward Stokesberry, of Thorntown, in front of a canopy of summer flowers. Preceding the ceremony Mrs. E. E. Calloway, of Muncie, will sing "At Dawning" "Oh, Promise," accompanMrs.

Willis Hackleman, violinist, of Anderson, and Fred Potts. of Summitville at piano, and Mr. Potts also will play Mendelssohn's Wedding March. As the bridal party enters he will play Lohengrin's Wedding March. The bride will be attired in a charming pale pink chiffon gown fashioned on simple lines and will carry a bouquet of Johanno Hill roses.

Her bridesmaid, Miss Mary Phillips, of Jackson, will wear a frock of pastel green chiffon organdy and will carry a bouquet of Church Wedding Of Daleville Folk At Muncie Today MISS ANGIE WILSON Special to The Herald: DALEVILLE, June 13. One of the loviest. church weddings in June will be solemnized Sunday morning at the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal church at Muncie, at 8:30 a. m. Sunday.

Miss Sara Brown, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Brown, and Lloyd H. Perkins, son of Mrs. Pearl Perkins, of Muncie, will be married. Earl Taylor, organist, will play the bridal airs.

A single ring ceremony will be read by the Rev. Franklin, pastor in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The bride-elect will wear a white lace dress, large white white picture and will carry roses and lilies of the valley. Her sister, Margaret. Brown, wear pink.

organdle and she will carry pink Talisman roses. The best man will be James Cole, of Muncie The young couple will leave on a trip through the southeast. The bride will travel in a. white palm beach suit. After July 1 they will be at home in Daleville.

Miss Brown graduated from the Daleville high school, attended the International Business College at Fort Wayne and for the past. three years has been employe1 in the Indiana Gross Income Tax Department at Indianapolis. Mt. Perkins Is employed at the Martin Service Station and garage here. Community Picnic Ingalls, June 21 Special to The Herald: INGALLS, June 13 The annual community picnic will be held in Orchard Lake Park Sunday, June 21.

D. H. Rensforth is chairman of the arrangements committee. Ernest Conger suffered two badly. mashed fingers when they were caught under a steel rail rallroad.

while at work on the Big Four Several here attended the funeral of Harry Umbenhower at Eden. Mrs. Turner, Jarvis and, daughter. Mrs. McPherson, visited relatives at Indianapolis." Mr.

and Mrs. Ted Peters, Jimmy and Jerry Brattain visited relatives at Elwood. Mrs. Helen Hoppes, of Anderson, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Norris Wednesday. Mrs. Agnes Laws was hostess to the Chat-A-While club at her home Wednesday. Mrs. Earl Milner is home after undergoing examination at an Indianapolis hospital.

Miss Georgia Ruth Pyles is visiting her uncle, Clifford Smith and family, near Anderson. Mrs. Raymond Gardner and son, Larry, visited Mrs. Gardner's aunt. Mrs.

George Wright, at Wilkinson. Martha Louise and Donald Dunn visited their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cottrell. Jeanette Keesling, of Pendleton, visited Marion Davis.

Harold Alfonte is recovering from mumps. RURAL CARRIERS HOLD MEETING Retired rural letter carriers of Madison county were guests yesterday at a meeting of rural mail carriers association at the home of Charles Swartz, Frankton. Henry R. Holdren, carrier of R. F.

D. 4, who was transferred to Cicero where he has rural route with longer mileage, is moving his family to that city. Melvin Lawson, who was transferred here from Cicero, has been assigned to R. F. D.

7. Ora Holmes, who carried route 7, has taken route 1. Kentucky spends approximately $14,000,000 annually to build, maintain and improve its roads. INSPECTION OF FOUR CHAPTERS Mrs. Frank: Bolton While Enroute Home Special to The Herald: LAPEL, June 13.

Mrs. zabeth Bolton, age 58, wife. of Frank Bolton, an employee of the Sterling Glass Company, died suddenly about 6:30 p.m. today ly after she had suffered heart attack while enroute. home from the postoffice.

She stopped lat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Granville Sylvester where she died 8 short time later. The body was removed to the Rex McCarty funeral home and will be returned to the family home Sunday. Funeral arrangements were not completed tonight.

Mrs. Bolton was an active member of the United Brethren church She was born in Tipton county, but had lived in Lapel for the past sixteen and one-half years. Surviving besides the husband are a son, Kenneth; four daughters, Mrs. Gladys Bolt, Mrs. Vivian Hackieman, Misses Frances and Lois Bolton, all of Lapel; two.

brothers, James Marshall, South Bend; John Marshall, Lapel, and a grandson, Ronald Bolton, Lapel, ANNIVERSARY OF U. FLAG TODAY Observance By Alexandria Lodge of Elks Special to The Herald: ALEXANDRIA, June 13 Flag Day will be observed here Sunday when the Alexandria lodge of Elks will present a program in the lodge hall at 7:30 p. m. The principal speaker will be the Rev. Otto Stroup, pastor of the Christian church at Frankton, and chaplain of Post 87 of the American Legion here.

Musical numbers also are on the program. The public is invited to attend. Young Man Crippled Hugh Carver, 22, 210 West Tyler street, suffered broken leg when a heavy septic tank. which he was helping to unload a truck, fell on him Friday evening at the Mull truck terminal, Lincoln avenue and state road 9. Carver was brought to St.

John's hospital, Anderson, by the Davis Stricler ambulance. Alexandria News Notes Miss Elsie Foster, of Alexandria, was re-elected as treasurer of the Muncie district Epworth League and Miss Ruth Thurston, also of this city, was leected fourth vice president in convention at Muncie. On account of the opening of International camp meeting of the Church of God at Anderson Sunday, there will be no services in the local Church of God Sunday except Sunday school. Mrs. T.

S. Haddock, of. Dunkirk, formerly of Alexandria, had her tonsils removed at Hartford City Friday. East Madison street, are the parents Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Kilgore, 208 of a girl born Saturday. LAPEL RESIDENT GIVEN SURPRISE Special to The Herald: LAPEL, June 13-R. S. Cheesman was surprised Thursday night in honor of his seventy-first birthday anniversary, by Joe Crooks, Mr. and Mrs.

E. O. Bodenhorn. Mr. and.

Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Frank Barnhizer, Mrs. Arthur Collins, Mrs. James Miller, Harry Voss and family, Mr.

a and Mrs. Snyder, Rev. and Mrs. O. F.

Lydy, Mr. and Mrs. Porter Fisher and daughter Maxine; Mrs. Clema Critser and daughter Cleo, Mrs. Raymond Lennen and daughter Jean, Raymond Dixon and daughters Wilma.

and Frances Marie, Francis Howell and family, all of Lapel; Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Taylor and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor.

of Anderson. Church Groups Meet The Methodist Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Hubert Thursday afternoon. She was assisted by Mesdames Rex McCarty, Omer Sears, George Glenn Boone, Harry Sactor, Chester Graham, Earl Myers, Frank White and W. J.

Kerr: Lapel News Notes Mrs. Arthur Collins was hostess to the W.M.A. -of the United Brethren church, Friday afternoon. Mrs. Porter Fisher was program leader, the lesson being on Japan.

Talks were given by Mesdames Frank. Bolton, Will. Brown, Dale Hersberger and Miss Pauline Barnhizer. Mrs. Lert Bolt, Misses line Barnhizer and Theodosia.

Driver, sang. Rev. O. F. Lydy offered prayer.

Mrs. Walter Spegal assisted by Mrs. David Spegal entertained the Worth Whyle Home Economic club. call response Was "Sunday Supper Menus." Miss Alberta Anderson reviewed her trip to Washington, D.C. The club annual picnic will be held July 5, at Edgewater Park, Anderson.

Fifteen members and one guest was present. Sid Minor and family have gone to Arkansas to visit William Minor. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Montgomery were: Charles Wisehart and Miss Catherine Beem of Pendieton; Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Hester of Anderson. Arvin Donner and family of Port Arthur, Texas, are visiting Mrs. Cora Graham. Mr.

Donnor has now gone to Iowa City, where Mr. Donnor 1s attending college. Lou Everett and family gave a supper for Mrs. Blanche Wiseman and sons of Noblesville, who are going to Kansas for residence. FORMER ANDERSON RESIDENT EXPIRES Mrs.

Dorothy Shaffer Squier. age 54, wife of George Squier, former resident of this city, died Friday' at her home in Cutler, roses, Ross Burkett, brother of the bride-groom, will be best ban, Following the ceremony, Mrs. Calloway will sing "I Love You Truly." accompanied on accordion by Russell Fort of Knightstown. A reception will then be held. The bride's colors of pink and green will be carried out in the appointments and decorations, with Misses Maxine and Ellen Garner and Wauneta Allen, attired in pastel shaded frocks, presiding at the entertaining tables.

The couple will leave Sunday evening for Cleveland and other points in Ohio. Miss Wilson has chosen a grey silk traveling outfit trimmed in lavender, with white. accessories. The young couple will reside for the present with the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson. Miss Wilson Is well known at Alexandria and surrounding communities for her proficlency on the accordion, and is a member of the Crescendo Club, at Alexandria. She attended E. M. college at Berrien Springs, Mich.

Mr. Burkett attended Purdue University and is a salesman for the Wilson Radio Company, The guest list includes: Mr. and Mrs. F. D.

Allen, of Westwood, N. Mr. and Mrs. H. L.

Carver, of Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Ashel Cunningham, of Redlands, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fort and Miss Anna Fort, of Knightstown, Fred and Londis Potts, Miss Bess Day, of Summitville; Mr.

and Mrs. Leonard Wartzok, of South Bend; Mr. and Mrs. John Willoughby, of Washington, D. Mrs.

Vasta, Phillips and Miss Mary Phillips, of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Orla Miller and Miss Eva Miller, of Akron, Mr. and Mrs. A.

C. Lawson and Mr. and Mrs. G. Lawson, of Battle Creek, Mr.

and Mrs. Willis Hackleman, Dr. and Mrs. G. Hoppes, Mrs.

Effie Scott, Miss Evelyn, Peterson, all of Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Calloway, of Muncie; Mrs.

Barbara Grahn, of Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Garwood, Miss Dorothy Jones, of South Bend; Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Burkett, Mr. and Mrs. George E. Burkett, of Charleston.

Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Moore, of Anderson; Mr.

and Mrs. Harold Brunnemer, of Elwood; Rev. and Mrs. Edward Stokesberry, of Thorntown; and Mrs. U.

B. Burkett. of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. A.

D. Clark. of Lokeworth, Miss Sanilla Birmingham, of Muskegon, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lavengood, of Albany, Mr.

and Harold Kilgore, of Summitville; Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Burkett, Mr.

and Mrs. Haven Cougar, Miss Althea Curry, all of Thorntown; and Mrs. Frank Burkett, of Detroit; Messrs. and Mesdames R. C.

Price, Lawrence Price, Melvin Moore, Wilford Moore, all of Frankfort. Farewell to Mrs. DesJardines In farewell to Mrs. Ruth DesJardines who will go to New York for residence, women employes of the Aladdin Industries office had a dinner-bridge Friday evening at the Colonnade. Attending were: Mesdames Ruby Antrim, Mary Lorson, Ethel Schroth, Anne Kkeoch, Helen Hughes, Misses Anne Schmauss, Alleen Risk, Mary Helen Bradford, Viola Little, Margaret Kamps, Emmaline Kilgore and Ada' Bess Cripe.

A Junior Walther The Junior Walther League of the Lutheran church held a picnic Friday evening at Calloway Park, Elwood, Attending. were Rey. and Mrs. W. L.

Hoflus, Mr. and Mrs. William Muller, Henry and Wanda Brown, Edith Riall, Lawrnece Auler, Herman Brown, Donna Parrish, Frances and Arthur Tobin, Carl and Fermen Allen, Betty. Schmidt, George and Helen Auler. Following Sunday morning services at the church, a short business session of the league with be held, when host: or hostesses will be chosen for the next meeting on July 10.

Aesop Club Meeting The Aesop Club will meet Monday afternoon at the Corner Cupboard for a one o'clock. luncheon. which. will mark the last meeting of the club. season.

Reservations are to be made. with Mrs. C. H. Alvord.

Loyal Women's Class The Loyal Women's class of the Christian church will meet Wednesday evening for a picnic supper at the home of Mrs. Joshua Vinson. Eastern Star Auxiliary Mesdames Freda Weed and Edith Cartwright will be joint hostesses at a meeting of the Eastern Star Auxillary afternoon at 2:30, at the. Masonic temple. V.

C. U. Club Meeting The V. C. U.

club will be entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Carl McKinley in Scott Addition. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood, of Lafayette, are visiting here with relatives and friends.

They will make their home at Anderson. Thurman Hall left Saturday for Lake Tippecanoe where he will Join his family who have been spending the week here. Harold Porter: wil leave Sunday morning for Indiana University and will be accompanied home in the afternoon by Robert Franks, who will spend the summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.

L. Franks. Rev. and Mrs. Noel Irwin and son Morris Lee have returned from a visit with the minister's parents at Port Hurton, Mich.

Eastern Star Event June 18 At Pendleton Special to The Herald: PENDLETON, June Inspection of Eastern Star chapters of Pendleton, Markleville, Lapel, and Frankton will be held here at the Masonic temple, Thursday evening, June 1 18. It will be in charge of the Worthy Grand Matron, Mary Frances Prince of Vincennes, and Alene Vey, Associate Grand Conductress of Marion. Dinner will be served at 6:30 at the Methodist church, and any member wishing to go to the dinner is asked to make reservations with Mrs. John Kinnard by noon. Arthur L.

Jones Funeral Funeral services for Arthur Lee Jones, age 43, will be conducted at the residence here at 4 p.m. Sunday by Rev. G. P. Fowler.

On Monday the body will be taken to Carrollton, and services also will be held there at 2 p.m. and burial at Carrollton. Graduates from Pendleton Miss Susan Hardy is a member of the graduating class at DePauw University, Her mother, Mrs. Georgia Hardy, Robert Hardy, Mrs. George Swain, Mrs.

R. F. Thomas, Mrs. Robert Thomas and Mrs. Mary Frances Thomas expect to attend the commencement exercises Monday.

Miss Ruth Dickinson will be among the graduates at Indiana University, Monday. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dickinson will attend the exercises. Miss Dickinson will attend the university for the summer term to complete her work.

Pendleton News Notes The Crusaders class of the M. E. Sunday school will have a business session and party at Falls Park, Wednesday evening. Members of the class will enjoy a hamburger fry and swimming party. Each couple is requested to bring a covered dish and table service.

Mrs. Kenneth Lukens will be hostess to the Child Study club, Wednesday afternoon. Officers will be elected for the new year. Mrs. Ralph Williams and Mrs.

Charles King will leave Wednesday for Milwaukee, where they are delegates for the international convention of the Sigma Phi Gamma Sorority. They will be accompanied by their husbands. Mrs. Ward Collins, Mrs. Paul Shaw and Miss Margaret Stoner will have charge of the Children's Day program at the Mt.

Gilead church, Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. Members of the Mothers Circle entertained their children with 8 picnic dinner at the Friends Meeting House, Friday. persons enjoyed the event. Mrs. Sidney Craig gave the lesson, "Adult to the members and the children were entertained by Mrs.

E. E. Hunt, Mrs. Ed Johnson and Mrs. Russeli Doty.

Mrs. J. F. Seelig, assisted by Mrs. Alvin Williamson, entertained the M.

E. Aid Society at their regular monthly social, Friday ate ternoon. The last meeting of Bible Study club will be held thine form: of a picnic dinner, Tuesday at the country home of Mrs. Raymond: Mendenhall. Mrs.

Lee Hays will entertain the Monday Bridge club. Former Anderson Man At Hospital Special to The Herald: CHESTERFIELD, June 13- James Boys, elderly farmer south of town who has been seriously ill for some time, was removed to St. John's hospital, Anderson. Friday. He formerly lived at Anderson.

Mrs. Grover Young continues fi1 at her home here. New street lights are being erected at Sycamore and Main and Vine and Svcamore streets. Frank Mowrev and family of near Muncie, and Robert Collo attended the Mowrey family reunion in Riverside Park, Indianapolis, Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Turner, Helen Potter and Vester Brown will visit Bedford Sunday. Mrs. Nancy Vasbinder. Mrs.

Ella Gold and Mrs. Elizabeth Burroughs spent Thursday with Mrs. Martha Quinn at Alexandria. Calvin Gardner and family will have as Sunday guests A. W.

W. Spann and family. Mrs. Margaret Adams of Indianavolis: T. R.

Adams and family of Muncie. Mrs. Helen Hilaradis of Anderson, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vanderlutt.

German production of paper and board established a new high record during the last year. HAROLD ROZELLE FUNERAL HOME Cost in a Matter of Your Low Overhead Enables Us to Meet Any Competition AMBULANCE SERVICE 130 E. 10th St. Phone The Reward of a Thing Well Done Is To Have Done It To have a funeral well conducted suit Our need magnificent are not services moderate involve in available their incomes." great complete prices solemnity expense. and to W.


Anderson Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.