Why Is My Morning Blood Sugar so High? (2024)

A complex array of factors affects blood sugar levels, including hormones, diet, and lifestyle.

Q: I have prediabetes and now eat minimal carbs and sugar. My doctor told me to monitor my sugar levels, morning (fasting) and night. At night, two hours after eating, my sugar levels are between 112 and 130 mg/dL (6.2 to 7.2 mmol/L). But in the morning, my fasting sugar level is always higher than the night number. Why is that? What am I doing wrong?

There are a few reasons why your blood sugar may be elevated in the morning. First, it’s important to understand that certain hormonal changes that occur overnight may lead to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) in the morning.

The Dawn Phenomenon

The dawn phenomenon refers to hormonal changes that cause your blood sugar to increase in the early morning hours before you consume breakfast. Your body makes extra blood sugar (glucose) overnight in order to avoid periods of low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) while you’re sleeping and to give you the energy you need to get out of bed.

In people without diabetes, insulin — the hormone that regulates blood sugar — also rises to keep blood sugar stable. However, in people with diabetes who are resistant to the effects of insulin or who don’t produce enough insulin, blood sugar may rise dramatically in the morning (1).

Although the dawn phenomenon is more common in people with diabetes, it can occur in those who have prediabetes as well.

Aside from the dawn phenomenon, there are a few other reasons why your blood sugar may be high in the morning.


It’s important to be aware that your nighttime meal choices can affect your morning blood sugar levels. For example, eating high-carb meals or snacking on sweets before bed can lead to elevated morning blood sugar levels.

To keep your blood sugar stable throughout the night, eat a dinner high in protein, healthy fats, and fiber, and moderate in complex carbs. Avoid carbs that tend to spike blood sugar, such as white bread and white pasta.

If you choose to eat a snack at night, opt for a high-fiber option balanced with protein or a healthy fat, such as a small apple with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter. This can keep your blood sugar more stable while you sleep.


If your doctor has prescribed you blood sugar medication, ensure that you’re following dosage and timing recommendations.

Taking the wrong dose or taking medications at the wrong time can cause blood sugar fluctuations and can lead to elevated morning blood sugar levels.


Exercise and weight loss — if needed — are some of the best ways to increase blood sugar control in people with prediabetes.

Going for a walk after meals can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, which can improve overall blood sugar control. For example, research shows that walking for 15 to 20 minutes after meals can significantly reduce blood sugar levels over a 24-hour period in people with prediabetes and diabetes (2, 3).

Choosing the right foods, taking medications as directed, losing weight if necessary, and exercising — especially after meals — are all ways to increase overall blood sugar control and decrease your chances of experiencing high blood sugar levels in the morning.

If you’re still experiencing high morning blood sugar levels after making these changes, consult your doctor for advice.

Jillian Kubala is a Registered Dietitian based in Westhampton, NY. Jillian holds a master’s degree in nutrition from Stony Brook University School of Medicine as well as an undergraduate degree in nutrition science. Aside from writing for Healthline Nutrition, she runs a private practice based on the east end of Long Island, NY, where she helps her clients achieve optimal wellness through nutritional and lifestyle changes. Jillian practices what she preaches, spending her free time tending to her small farm that includes vegetable and flower gardens and a flock of chickens. Reach out to her through her website or on Instagram.

Why Is My Morning Blood Sugar so High? (2024)


How do I stop high blood sugar in the morning? ›

To help you prevent or correct high blood sugar in the morning, your health care provider may suggest that you:
  1. Avoid carbohydrates at bedtime.
  2. Change your dose of diabetes medicine or insulin.
  3. Switch to a different diabetes medicine.
  4. Change the time when you take your medication or insulin from dinnertime to bedtime.

What would cause my blood sugar to be high in the morning? ›

Two main culprits prompt morning highs: the dawn phenomenon and waning insulin.

How soon after waking up should I test my blood sugar? ›

In most cases, doctors ask people to measure fasting blood sugar immediately upon waking and before they have anything to eat or drink. It may also be appropriate to test blood sugar before eating or 2 hours after a meal, which is when blood sugar returns to normal levels.

How can I lower my morning blood sugar naturally? ›

Here are 14 easy and evidence-backed ways to naturally lower blood sugar levels.
  1. Exercise and movement throughout the day. ...
  2. Manage your carb intake. ...
  3. Eat more fiber. ...
  4. Drink water. ...
  5. Get enough quality sleep. ...
  6. Eat foods rich in chromium and magnesium. ...
  7. Eat healthy snacks more frequently.

Why is my blood sugar high in the morning when I haven't eaten anything? ›

Dawn phenomenon happens when hormones your body naturally makes in the early morning (including cortisol and growth hormone) increase your blood sugar.

What is the best thing to eat in the morning to lower blood sugar? ›

Choose breakfast foods that are packed with fiber, like whole-grain bread, low-added-sugar fiber-rich cereals or oats. Incorporate more produce at breakfast. "You can add berries into yogurt or on top of oatmeal, include vegetables in your omelet or add avocado to your toast," suggests Palinski-Wade.

What should diabetics drink first thing in the morning? ›

Water is the best all-round drink. If your family likes flavoured waters, make your own by adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, or strawberries.

What is a good blood sugar level in the morning? ›

Doctors suggest that a normal fasting blood sugar range is between 70–100 mg/dL (3.9–5.6 mmol/L). If your fasting blood sugar is consistently over 126 mg/dL (7 mmol/L), your doctor will diagnose diabetes. You can reduce your risk of high fasting blood sugar by eating your dinner earlier the night before.

How do you feel when your blood sugar is too high? ›

increased thirst and a dry mouth. needing to pee frequently. tiredness. blurred vision.

Does drinking water lower blood sugar? ›

Summary. Drinking water won't lower your blood sugar levels, but staying hydrated can help you manage them if you have diabetes. Regularly drinking enough water is healthy, and research has linked it to a reduced risk of high blood sugar and diabetes.

Does squeezing the finger affect blood sugar reading? ›

If your hands are clean and dry, you can use the first drop of blood that comes from the finger prick. If for some reason you can't wash them, just wipe away the first drop and use the second. But don't put too much pressure on the site or squeeze it – that may throw off your reading.

What can I drink before bed to lower my blood sugar? ›

Drinking water is an excellent way to stay hydrated without consuming sugar. Green tea, cow's milk, and fermented milk (kefir) could also help you manage your blood sugar responses. Coffee also contains compounds that may help regulate blood sugar, but confirming this requires more research.

What should I do if my blood sugar is high in the morning? ›

If the dawn phenomenon affects you, try to:
  1. Eat dinner earlier in the evening.
  2. Do something active after dinner, like going for a walk.
  3. Check with your health care provider about the medicine you're taking.
  4. Eat breakfast. ...
  5. Eat a snack with some carbohydrates and protein before bed.
Dec 8, 2021

How can I flush sugar out of my system fast? ›

Drinking plenty of water helps your kidneys flush out excess sugar. One study found that people who drink more water lower their risk for developing high blood sugar levels. And remember, water is the best. Sugary drinks elevate blood sugar by raising it even more.

How do I bring my blood sugar down quickly? ›

The quickest way to lower your blood sugar is to take fast-acting insulin. Exercising is another fast, effective way. However, in severe cases, you should go to the hospital. High blood sugar levels are known as hyperglycemia or high blood glucose.

How do I stop my blood sugar from dropping in the morning? ›

Whether or not you have diabetes, follow these tips to avoid waking up with low blood sugar:
  1. Eat balanced meals with healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and fats regularly throughout the day.
  2. Have a bedtime snack.
  3. If you drink alcohol, avoid excessive intake and have a snack with it.
  4. Avoid exercising too much at night.

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