Fasting during Ramadan when ill (2024)

If you're living with a terminal illness, you may have questions about fasting during Ramadan. Ramadan can change your eating patterns and how you take your medication. Here, we talk about fasting safely, medication and fasting, and what to do if you can't fast.

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Ramadan and fasting

Ramadan is a holy month in the Islamic calendar. It involves fasting during daylight for the whole month. As well as fasting, many Muslims try to improve their relationship with Allah, family members and friends.

A fast during Ramadan takes place between sunrise and sunset. During these times, fasting Muslims don't:

  • eat any food
  • drink anything, including water
  • have sex
  • smoke.

When is Ramadan in 2024?

The dates of Ramadan and the hours of fasting change each year because the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar calendar.

In 2024, Ramadan is expected to be between 11 March and 10 April in the UK.

Deciding whether to fast

The Qur'an says that some people don't have to fast.This includes people with a terminal illness, and older people who are frail or ill.

Deciding whether to fast is a big decision, and you might have lots of feelings. You might feel:

  • guilty, that you can't take part in an important ritual
  • worried that you'll feel less close to your faith
  • worried that you'll disappoint friends or family members
  • upset, if the people around you are fasting and you don't feel involved.

It's important to make a decision that is safe for you. If you're not sure whether you want to fast, or whether fasting is safe for you, remember that you don't have to make the decision alone.

Speak to your doctor for advice about whether it's safe. You could ask what effect fasting might have on your illness and treatments, and whether you may be able to adjust your medication.

Speak to your Imam for spiritual advice and support. They may be able to talk to you about any difficult feelings you're having.

You could also read our information on spiritual pain.

If you can't fast

Depending on your circ*mstances, Islamic teachings say there are other things you can do if you miss a fast. You could:

  • fast at another time, if you are well enough
  • give food or donations to someone less fortunate.

Most mosques have a system in place to organise this. Ask the Imam at your local mosque for further details. They may be able to give you guidance on what's best for you.

Fasting safely

Fasting when you have a terminal illness isn't always safe. For example, your doctor might sometimes recommend you drink lots of fluids if you have symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhoea, or you're on certain chemotherapy treatments.

It's important to speak to your doctor before making any changes to your medications or how much you eat and drink.

They will let you know whether fasting is safe for you and what effect fasting might have. They will also try to support your decision.

Medicines during fasting

During Ramadan, taking medicine orally (by mouth) is considered to be breaking the fast. If you're taking regular medicine or nutritional supplements and want to fast, speak to your doctor about your options before you start.

Your doctor may be able to make changes to your treatment – for example, they may be able to change your medicine or change the times you take it.

Speak to your doctor before you make any decisions about fasting. They can talk to you about the effects, and whether it is safe for you.

Other medicines

There are different opinions about which types of medicines are considered to be breaking a fast. Things that aren't food and drink aren't considered to break the fast - for example patches, eardrops, and eyedrops. For guidance on specific medicines, speak to your doctor.

External websites

British Nutrition Foundation – healthy fasting during Ramadan

Muslim Council of Britain – information about Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan when ill (2024)


Fasting during Ramadan when ill? ›

The Qur'an says that some people don't have to fast. This includes people with a terminal illness, and older people who are frail or ill.

Can you fast during Ramadan if you are sick? ›

We should note that The Islamic faith allows exemptions from fasting during Ramadan for those who are sick, including those requiring drug treatment and even the travellers if they are healthy. However, many people do not accept these exemptions and prefer to fast.

Should I fast if I'm ill? ›

The Qur'an says that you do not have to fast if you are physically ill, mentally ill, or very frail. However, we understand that choosing to fast is a very personal decision. You might choose to fast even if you do not have to.

What to do if you can t fast in Ramadan due to illness? ›

When someone cannot fast in Ramadan (due to ill health, travelling or menstruation for example) they should make up the missed fasts when they are able to do so.

Can I break my fast if I have a fever in Islam? ›

Most of the scholars – including the four imams – are of the view that the sick person is not allowed to break his fast in Ramadan unless the sickness is severe.

Can you fast during Ramadan if you have a sore throat? ›

If you have a sore throat from coughing and it is causing significant discomfort or hindering your ability to fast, it may be permissible for you to break your fast and make it up later when you are feeling better.

What happens when you fast while sick? ›

“During a viral infection, eating provides glucose, which may be necessary for survival,” Medzhitov said. Conversely, fasting leads to the production of ketones — another type of fuel — which may help animals tolerate a bacterial infection, he said.

Which 5 days are forbidden for fasting in Islam? ›

Days Forbidden to Fast
  • The Days of `Eid: ...
  • The Days of Tashreeq (The Three Days following `Eidul-Adha): ...
  • Singling out Friday As a Day of Fasting: ...
  • Singling out Saturday as a day of fasting. ...
  • Fasting on The “Day of Doubt”: ...
  • Perpetual Fasting:

Can I break my fast if I have a headache? ›

THE ABLE WITH HARDSHIP AND FEAR OF ILLNESS: One who can fast, but with great hardship, who fears that fasting will worsen his/her/their chronic condition or illness. Such a person is justified in breaking fast. According to most opinions, this person “must” break the fast.

Can I not fast in Ramadan if I have a cold? ›

Illness remained a valid reason for not fasting, though not any illness or pain legitimately excuses one from fasting. If one fears that fasting will worsen the sickness, delay its cure, or cause damage to anything in the body, then one has a valid excuse for breaking the fast.

Can I fast with a sore throat in Islam? ›

If you are acutely unwell with an illness like influenza, a cold, gastroenteritis, or any condition that requires you to take medicine or fluids, it is encouraged you do not fast on those days.

Will Tylenol break a fast? ›

Any medications that need to be ingested, like tablets, are considered to break the fast.

What does the Quran say about sick people? ›

It was narrated from Ibn Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (pbuh) said: “The one who visits a sick person who is not dying, and says seven times in his presence, 'I ask Allah the Almighty, the Lord of the Mighty Throne, to heal you', Allah will heal him from that sickness.” - Narrated byAbu Dawood ...

Can I break my fast if I have diarrhea in Islam? ›

Sometimes, a person may want to break their fast due to diarrhea. In some religions, such as Islam, physical effects of fasting like diarrhea are an acceptable reason to break the fast in order to avoid possible complications.

Does a cough drop break a fast? ›

Do not eat or drink anything except normal amounts of plain water. This also includes no smoking, chewing gum, candy, cough drops, etc.

Can I break my fast if I have diarrhea? ›

Your body is already more likely to feel lightheaded, exhausted, and queasy while fasting. If fasting causes diarrhea, it only makes these conditions worse. Therefore, it is advised to break your fast until your symptoms get better, and then to continue it after you feel better.

Do you have to fast in Ramadan if you have depression? ›

' If you start to fast during Ramadan and find that it isn't healthy (whether you have experience of disordered eating or another mental health condition), it's OK to change what you're doing. 'It's OK to say “we tried, and it's not for you this year”,' says Dr Naseem. 'It's your job to take care of your body.

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