Chinese Pronunciation: The Complete Guide for Beginner (2024)

Pronunciation is the basic part of mastering mandarin Chinese. If you want to learn this language well, it`s necessary to lay a good foundation about Chinese pronunciation at the beginning.

No matter which level are you in, making sure your pronunciation correctly is definitely necessary and never too late. All in all, a good beginning is half the battle. With this guide, you can learn Chinese pronunciation easier in a correct way.

Part 1: What is Pinyin?

Chinese is not a phonetic language. The pronunciation is not related to the writing of Chinese words (characters). Pinyin is the special system, created for people to learn Mandarin pronunciation. Pinyin transcribes the Chinese characters so people can pronounce it. It may be used as an input method to enter Chinese characters into computers or electronics as well.

The writing of Pinyin is similar to English alphabet. You can pronounce every single sound out in Chinese using pinyin. However, you should aware that the Chinese pronunciation and spelling of pinyin letters are different from English letters. The sounds, which the letters of pinyin represent, do not correspond exactly to the sounds that the letters of English represent. So you can`t pronounce pinyin as if they were English. E.g


One Chinese sound is associated with one syllable and each Chinese character has its own pinyin syllable.

There are three parts in a pinyin syllable, which are the Initial, Final and Tone. Initial and final represent thesegmental phoneticportion of the language, rather than letter by letter.

Chinese PinYin Chart with Audio (click here)

Part 2: What is Tones?

Mandarin Chinese is a tonal language, which means that the way a sound is pronounced directly affects the meaning of what is said. Mandarin’s tones give the language a very distinctive quality, but the tones can also be a source of miscommunication if not given due attention.

There are four main tones and one neutral tone in mandarin Chinese (or, as some say, five tones). Each tone has a distinctive pitch contour, which can be graphed using the following Chinese 5-level system.

First ToneHigh and level sound, naturally prolonged.A straight horizontal line: ˉ

e.g. mā

Second ToneRising tone, from low to high,

just like the pitch in question

A rising diagonal line:ˊ

e.g. má

Third ToneFirst falling and then going up againA curved “dipping” line: ˇ

e.g. mǎ

Forth ToneTotal falling tone which starts out very high and falls short and strongA dropping diagonal line:ˋ

e.g. mà

Neutral TonePronounced very light and quickHave no tone mark

e.g. ma

I’ve seen some posts claim that the Chinese tones are just like English, which convey the attitude or feeling of a speaker, however, it`s not the case. This idea is mixing up two different concepts. English doesn`t have tones since words don`t change the meanings when you pronounce them with different intonations. However, in Chinese, even with the same initial and final, different tones represent different characters and meanings. There are many Chinese characters with the same initials and finals. E.g.

Common Tone Rules

  • Third Tone Sandhi

When a third tone followed by another third tone, it should be pronounced as a second tone automatically. But the writing script should remain unchanged as the third tone mark. For example:
你好 (nǐ + hǎo) -> 你好 (ní hǎo)

我很 (wǒ + hěn + hǎo) -> 我很好 (wó hén hǎo)

  • Tone sandhi of “不”

“不” becomes a second tone when followed by a fourth tone character. It is a fourth tone syllable by itself and when followed by other four tones then the following will happen.

  • Tone sandhi of “一”

“一” is pronounced in first tone when it`s by itself, at the end of a word, or used as a number. When it is followed by a first tone, second tone, or third tone character though, “一” changes to the fourth tone. It is pronounced in the second tone when it precedes a fourth tone.

Part 3: Why Tones Matter?

If you can`t recognize the tone, you might always struggle figuring out what Chinese people said. And there are also many embarrassing situations you will encounter when communicating with Chinese people.

I met many Chinese learning quitters. They told me that they did want to learn mandarin. After they read the pinyin chart for two or three times in the first two lessons, they thought these Romanization letters were a piece of cake and it was time to move forward to learn more “real Chinese“. As a result of spending too little time on mastering the tones and proper pronunciations, the subsequent overload of similar vocabulary ruined their confidence, so they had to quit. Enough practice on your ears and mouth will help you survive, even though the beginning might be tedious and tough. Once you go through this essential part, you will lay an unbreakable foundation for your Chinese learning.

That`s why the tones matter.

Common Difficulties You Might meet

The purpose of this section is to clarify some common mistakes and difficulties you might meet when learning mandarin Chinese pronunciations. There are some distinct sounds in Chinese that are tricky to non-native speakers. Let`s conquer them one by one, thus there is less barrier in your pronunciation path.

Most of the difficult pinyin sounds are initials, like zh/ch/sh, z/c/s, j/q/x and r.

zhLike “j” in “jerk”, but with the tip of the tongue curled farther back
chLike “ch” in “church”, but with the tip of the tongue curled farther back
shLike “sh” in “ship”, but with the tip of the tongue curled farther back
zLike “ts” in “cats”
cLike “ts” in “cats”, with aspiration
sPronounced as in English, e.g. “s” in “see”
jAs “j” in jam and jump, but softer and the tongue touches the lower front teeth.
qAs “chee” in “cheese”, but softer and the tongue touches the lower front teeth
xAs “shee” in “sheep”, but softer and the tongue touches the lower front teeth
rAs in “right” in English, but with lips unrounded, and the tip of the tongue curled farther back. Always pronounce the Chinese “r” sound with a nice smile.

There is also a final “ü” that most foreigners can`t pronounce very well.

There is a pinyin “i” sound in it, and you need to make your mouth shape as the pinyin “u”, then the “ü” sound comes out.

Part 4: Tips and Suggestions: How to improve your Chinese pronunciation

1. Master the basic rules of pronunciation and tones.

Knowing basic greetings like “你好” “你好吗” in Chinese is not hard, but advancing beyond the warm up greetings is quite different endeavor. As a beginner, the most important thing is be familiar with all pinyin sounds, spelling rules and tone changing rules. If possible, you`d better find a professional teacher who can speak standard mandarin Chinese and explain the differences among those similar sounds properly.

There are many learning experiences sharing about how to improve your Chinese pronunciation. Regarding the tones, besides the regular tones practice, there are some learners who share their methods like mastering without using tone marks.

2. Having Enough input: Make your own language environment

If you are learning Chinese in China or luckily be surrounded by a group of native speakers, just try to talk to them with what you`ve learnt. If you can`t follow them at the beginning, don`t feel embarrassed or upset. It`s a quite common phase. What you need to do is at least distinguishing the words you`ve learnt and be more familiar with the intonation Chinese language make. Gradually you can connect all the words and figure out what they are talking about.

If you don`t have the language environment, make it yourself! There are tons of online learning resources (well, surely you can find them at Dig Mandarin. :) ) No matter Chinese learning audios or videos, you can make use of your fragment time to listen. Sometimes, the learning content is a little bit tedious, afterwards you can find some Chinese songs to perfect your accent. Also, learning from movies and TV shows is also a great way to train your sense of the language, and know more about Chinese culture as well.

3. Having Enough output

i. Practice in words, phrases and sentences

Don`t just practice the individual characters. There is phonetic change in the flow of speech, especially the tones. When you first begin to study Mandarin Chinese pronunciation, it is beneficial to practice pairs of tones. Begin with a word you already know, such as很好(hěnhǎo, very good). This phrase uses the second then the third tone. Say this phrase out loud several times and listen for the tone and rhythm of the syllables. Studying this natural rhythm of the language will help you pronounce new words you come across. Also, the increased accuracy of your Mandarin pronunciation will help you say sentences more smoothly.The start is of course tough, however after going through it; the longer sentences will be much easier for you.

ii. Slow down and be clear

Pay attention that you do not speak too fast. It`s very natural to speak in a normal speed just like the native speaker. But you are just a beginner who might not pronounce the standard sound. Speed is the last thing you should care about. Just SLOW DOWN! Make your sounds clear and correct. If people can`t even understand you, do you seriously care about your speaking speed? After all, a successful communication is the goal and accuracy is the most important thing.

iii. Practice makes perfect

As we mentioned above, you need to cultivate a keen sense of Chinese language by enough input. Some when you are practice by yourself and not with others, you are creating the illusion that you are speaking Chinese well. The truth might be only you yourself can understand or of course your teacher can guess what you are trying to say exactly. So the only key is practice, practice and practice. If once doesn`t work, then do it twice, triple…… You will finally get it.

4. Learn from your mistakes

As you know, Chinese people are very kind, so encouragement and compliment will be the main trend of their comments to your speaking. Confidence is necessary, but their kindness is not your reason to ignore the mistakes and your foreign pronunciation. Ask your Chinese friends to point out your inaccuracy and specific problems directly. Of course, it can`t be better if the one friend is a professional teacher. Then take down the notes of your common mistakes and analyze them one by one. This process will help you conquer your problems. It may be discouraging sometimes to hear about so many mistakes, but you will learn a lot from them quickly and it will help you to improve much faster than you think.

You also can observe if other people understand you. Regardless their kindness, understanding is a good start anyhow. In addition you can try to prepare a paragraph on a specific topic, then record your own speech. Listen to it several times to see if it`s weird in your perspective. Then ask your Chinese friends or teacher help you checking it. If possible, you can also compare your own recordings with the native speaker`s. It`s very clear to hear the differences of sounds, rhythms and intonation. Adjusting and improving your pronunciation is what you can do naturally. Focusing on the difficulties and repeat it slower. Just make sure you are pronouncing the right way.

5. Review all the time

Acquiring accurate pronunciation is a long-tern battle. Don`t be naïve as if you can master the authentic pronunciation in one shot. Record all your mistakes and misunderstanding of some specific concepts. Review your notes from time to time. It will call your attention and remind you the right way you should act. One day you will finally master them all.

Part 5: Resources

1. Video Lessons

a)Learn Complete Chinese Pronunciation in 16 Days! – This pronunciation course is produced by DigMandarin. With this course, you will:

  • Know how to pronounce every Chinese sound clearly with the proper accent.
  • Understand the phonetic alphabet (Pinyin) and how it relates to pronunciation.
  • Learn each of the 21 Pinyin Initials.
  • Learn each of the basic 6 Finals, as well as the 30 compound Finals.
  • Know how to reduce your accent and sound more like a native.
  • Learn and understand the trickiest letters that trip up most beginners, including the dreaded Mandarin tones.
  • Experience detailed explanations which show you how to shape your mouth, place your tongue, and produce the required sounds.

b)Fluent Forever – Just as I illustrated above, these 3 videos provide instructions to lead you get basic understanding about Chinese pronunciation, tones and spelling rules. Its whiteboard illustrating way is quite clear and easy to follow.

c) Yoyo Chinese – With an interview by Dig Mandarin. This group offers over 100 YouTube videos designed to help you learn Mandarin more easily. An addition 300-400 videos are available if you pay for the premium membership on the website. Beginners can make great strides in language learning with the systemic video organization that naturally builds world knowledge and pronunciation skills.

2. Audio Lessons

ChineseClass101 – ChineseClass101`s lesson number is pretty big. Regarding the pronunciation part, they provide the learners 5 episodes to illustrate the Chinese word construction, tones, related tone rules and difficult sounds. It basically covers the main idea of mandarin Chinese pronunciation.

3. Tools & APP

a) Pinyin Tools – If you want to learn about how to use Pinyin to aid your Chinese verbal language acquisition, Dig Mandarin recommends for apps: pinyin chart, tone chart, Pinyin to Chinese character converter app.

b) Pleco – This dictionary is one of the most useful and frequently used ones for people learning Mandarin. You can search by either the Chinese character or pinyin spelling. If you have heard a new Chinese word that you do not understand, you can easily search through this site to figure out what it is. There is a premium version as well which includes audio pronunciations.

4. Book

New Practice Chinese Readers – This Mandarin Chinese textbook is my personal favorite. It combines a carefully laid-out learning structure ideal for language with audio files for better pronunciation and understanding. The lessons include vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar and sentence structure and even cultural information. New Practice for Chinese Readers is available on Amazon and from major book retailers.

Chinese Pronunciation: The Complete Guide for Beginner (8)

Chinese Pronunciation: The Complete Guide for Beginner (2024)


How do you memorize Chinese pronunciation? ›

How to Remember Chinese Tones and Sound Like a Native
  1. Say the tones with gestures.
  2. Practice tones in pairs.
  3. Exaggerate the tones.
  4. Mark each tone with a different color.
  5. Always have a dictionary.
  6. Listen to Chinese radio or watch TV.
29 Apr 2022

How do you pronounce Chinese words correctly? ›

How to Pronounce Chinese Like a Native Speaker - YouTube

What is the hardest Chinese word to say? ›

Ok, let's get started!
  • 去 (qù) "to go" 去 (qù) also has the meaning as “last”; for example, “last year” 去年 (qùnián). ...
  • 喝水 (hē shuǐ) "to drink water" The hard part is 水 (shuǐ). ...
  • 四十 (sì shí) "forty" ...
  • 姜 (jiāng) "ginger" ...
  • 日 (rì) "day" ...
  • 汉语 (hàn yǔ) "Chinese language" ...
  • 知道 (zhī dao) "know" ...
  • 脚 (jiǎo) "foot”

What tone is xie xie? ›

Tones are normally indicated by a mark above the main vowel, but as you can see in the case of 谢谢 (謝謝) ”xièxie”, there is no mark above the second syllable, which means that it's a neutral tone.

How do you say ABCD in Chinese? ›

While in the west each of the letters of our alphabet represents a sound that generally has no particular meaning. There are over 6500 characters in Chinese. Below is only some of them. Try to concentrate on the lesson and memorize the sounds.
Chinese Alphabet.
Chinese AlphabetEnglishPinyin Pronunciation
23 more rows

Why do Chinese pronounce R as L? ›

In Pinyin, the letter R stands for a different sound. Chinese have no problem pronouncing the sound represented in Pinyin by R. They have difficulty pronouncing the sound represented in English by R — because that sound doesn't exist in Chinese.

How do you pronounce Xie Xi? ›

Pronounced 'she'+'eh', not 'she'.

Does Chinese have L or R? ›

Mandarin Chinese have "l" and "r" at the initial place of a syllable but not the end place.

Why is Chinese pronunciation hard? ›

In Chinese languages most words are made up of two syllables distinguished by tone (a change in pitch) rather than stress as they would be in English. Chinese speakers might therefore have difficulty hearing or making a distinction between stressed and unstressed syllables.

What is the easiest Chinese word? ›

Basic Mandarin Chinese Words and Phrases
  • Hello: Nǐhǎo (Nee how)
  • Thank you: Xièxiè (Shieh-shieh)
  • You're welcome: Bù kèqì (Boo kuh-chi)
  • Good morning: Zǎo (Zhow)
  • Goodnight: Wǎn ān (One-un)
  • My name is…: ...
  • My friend's name is...: Wǒ de péngyǒu jiào… ...
  • Where is the bathroom: Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ? (See-sow-jian zai na-lee?)
29 Jul 2022

What is the newest Chinese word? ›

The character "duang" is so new that it does not even exist in the Chinese dictionary. But it has already spread like wildfire online in China, appearing more than 8 million times on China's micro-blogging site Weibo, where it spawned a top-trending hashtag that drew 312,000 discussions among 15,000 users.

What should I reply after Xie Xie? ›

As we know, you should answer "bu keqi 不客气" (you're welcome) when someone said "xiè xie" to you. However, many Chinese answered "bu yong xie" instead. "bu yong xie" means "you don't need to say thank you to me".

What is bu ke qi? ›

bu ke qi 不客气 means “you're welcome”/“no problem”

Is Xie Xie thank you? ›

From Mandarin 謝謝/谢谢 (xièxie, “thank you”).

How many Chinese alphabet A to Z? ›

In this system there are 24 basic characters, and all the thousands of others are treated as combinations of these elements. Chinese characters, 漢字 (simplified 汉字), are known by many names: “Sinograms” (from the Greek name of China), “Hànzì” (from Mandarin), “Hanja” (from Korean 한자), and “Kanji” (from Japanese かんじ).

What's the hardest language to learn? ›

1. Mandarin. As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the most difficult language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

Is Japanese harder than Chinese? ›

Japanese is slightly easier to learn. But, Chinese is much more widely spoken. Both languages have their pros and cons.

What is G in Chinese? ›

巨 (jù) Huge. Let's remember this character by its similarity in shape to G and G's association with the word giant. 巨 (jù) means huge, tremendous, gigantic, or very large. Take Chinese Alphabet with you everywhere you go.

Why does Japan replace l r? ›

The Japanese sound is more of a cross between the English R and L, so it's very difficult to distinguish the two, hence Engrish. A proper hard R is actually just as difficult to pronounce as an L for Japanese speakers, and the hardest words to pronounce are those with both sounds (for example, parallel).

How do you pronounce Xiao? ›

How to Pronounce Xiao? (CORRECTLY) | Genshin Impact

What is Bu Yong Xie? ›

不用谢(bú yòng xiè). Literally this means no use thank you. 不(bù) means no, 用(yòng) means to use and 谢(xiè) is from 谢谢(Xiè xie), it means thank you. So literally no use thank you but this comes out to mean there is no need for thanks.

What is Xi Mi? ›

Xi Mi Lu is sometimes known as the taro tapioca coconut milk dessert, outside its region of origin. Its mandarin name came from Cantonese cuisine. Many people also recognize it as Sago soup or sago pudding. In different cultures, tapioca pearls are used to prepare puddings for all sorts of dishes.

Why can't Asians say r? ›

The english "R" is a pretty unusual sound, linguistically. For instance, you won't find it in most European languages. But of course, the stereotype is mostly because Japanese has a sound that is basically halfway between an "R" and an "L", so native Japanese speakers can confuse those letters.

What is s Chinese vs T Chinese? ›

When Simplified Chinese was developed, some Traditional characters were merged, so the new language has fewer commonly used characters. While Traditional uses a single character to express a word or part of a word, Simplified may represent multiple words or concepts using the same character.

What letter does Chinese not use? ›

But what about letters? If you look at the official alphabet for Hanyu Pinyin, it's exactly the same as that for English (other than in pronunciation, of course), which is a bit odd, especially considering that Pinyin doesn't use the letter v (or at least isn't supposed to for Mandarin words).

Is Chinese harder than English? ›

There is no definitive answer to this question because it depends entirely on your mother tongue, as well as a whole range of other variables. Both languages are very different from each other, which is why native speakers from both sides claim the other to be the more difficult language to learn.

What is the easiest language in the world? ›

15 of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers - ranked
  • Frisian. Frisian is thought to be one of the languages most closely related to English, and therefore also the easiest for English-speakers to pick up. ...
  • Dutch. ...
  • Norwegian. ...
  • Spanish. ...
  • Portuguese. ...
  • Italian. ...
  • French. ...
  • Swedish.
24 Oct 2021

What is the hardest part of learning Chinese? ›

Reading and writing Chinese characters is perhaps the most difficult aspect of learning Chinese. The Chinese written script, called 汉字 (hànzì) in Chinese, is based on the use of "logograms"—single characters that can represent an entire word.

What do you call a beautiful Chinese woman? ›

People who are called a bijin are usually considered beautiful, charming and harmonious women who wear pretty clothes. In Mandarin Chinese, 美人 (Pinyin: `měirén) also means "a beautiful woman".

Is there a Chinese word for love? ›

The Chinese character for “love” is 爱 (ài) and is mostly used to express romantic feelings for another person. 爱 (ài) can mean “love” for your family member, too.

Is there a Chinese word for no? ›

2. 不 | bù | no

If you search for the Chinese equivalent of the English word “no” in a popular Chinese dictionary like Pleco, chances are that the first entry you see will be 不(bù).

Is speaking Chinese Easy? ›

Mandarin Chinese

Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the writing system is extremely difficult for English speakers (and anyone else) accustomed to the Latin alphabet.

How can I learn Chinese by myself? ›

The 20 Best Ways to Learn Chinese by Yourself
  1. Learn the Chinese Tones.
  2. Become Familiar with the Pinyin System.
  3. Start with Chinese Greetings.
  4. Group New Words by Theme.
  5. Tackle Chinese Characters.
  6. Form Your Own Sentences.
  7. Try Coursera's Mandarin Courses.
  8. Use Language Apps.
27 Aug 2022

Is Xi a Chinese word? ›

In fact, "Xi" is the transliteration of several different Chinese surnames. Its meaning varies depending on how it is spelled in Chinese, and which dialect it is pronounced in.

What does 1 mean in Chinese slang? ›

一 (yī) — “One.” Another one that's a bit tricky. The number one is indeed 一 (yī) in Chinese, but in some contexts, such as in addresses or phone numbers, the number is pronounced as yao.

Is there a Chinese please word? ›

How do you say “please” in Chinese? When using it in a sentence you would use 请 qǐng . When you want to say please in the sense of “please, I beg you” you could do it by saying 拜 bài 托 tuō .

How do you respond to Ni chi le ma? ›

Usually when others greet you with “你吃了吗(Nǐ chī le ma)?” you can answer: “吃了, 你呢(chī le, nǐ ne) Yes, how about you?” or “还没有, 你呢(hái méiyǒu, nǐ ne) Not yet, and you?” Then you can move on to any other conversation.

What should I reply after I'm great? ›

How to reply when someone says, 'I am doing great. ' ?
  • I am glad to hear that you are doing great.
  • It is amazing to know you are doing well.
  • Awesome! I hope you keep well.
  • It is pleasant to know that you are doing positively.
  • Thank God! ...
  • I am relieved knowing you are doing great.
  • I am doing great as well.
22 May 2019

What should I reply after yeah? ›

You can also reply to “yeah” that answers a yes/no question with “o*k” or “good”.
However, there are a few other replies that can be used as alternative options:
  • Awesome.
  • Amazing.
  • Great.
  • Good.
  • Ok.
24 Jun 2022

What is zai jian? ›

再见 Zàijiàn

Means See you again. Zai means again, Jian means meet. It's a semi-formal way of saying Goodbye in Chinese.

What does Wo bu yao mean? ›

Wǒ búyào is "我不要" in both traditional and simplified Chinese. It means "I don't want (it/them)".

What is Zao shang hao? ›

Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. 早上好 zǎo shang hǎo. Good morning!

Is Xie xie a girl? ›

Xie is a short, pale skinned, girl that has teal hair and hair styled in "ox horns" or the odango style. She has purple eyes and wears a reddish-pink Chinese dress with a yellow trim, it also has pink heart buttons that are connected to each other by yellow strips and underneath her dress are navy blue leggings.

Is it rude to say thank you in China? ›

In Chinese, it is not usually considered polite to say “谢谢 / thank you” when you receive a compliment. To do so would be seen as conceited or snobby.

What is Hao Ba Chinese? ›

'好吧' often used when you agree to a request or suggestion, yet with an indifferent or relatively less passionate tone. It's similar to the way English uses 'ok…', 'fine', and 'all right then.

› article › how-to-sa... ›

How to Say Thank You in Chinese › article › how-to-sa... › article › how-to-sa...
China is a country which has some highly particular cultural etiquette beliefs. "Thank you" is an important phrase when you want to express your grati...
Lesson Page + FREE Transcript +Grammar & Usage Details ➥☆Whole Course ➥ http://chine...
Are you still only using it to respond "thank you"(xie xie) ?...come on that means you are OUT OF DATE in Chinese! Want to learn more about this phras...

How can I memorize Chinese words quickly? ›

  1. Break the characters down into radicals or components.
  2. Create visualizations to remember characters.
  3. Use pinyin in your creative visualizations.
  4. Learn the tones and associate them with moods or colors.
  5. Rely on familiar characters and build from previous knowledge.
9 Sept 2022

How do you memorize pronunciation? ›

10 Strategies to Learn English Pronunciation
  1. Know What You Want to Sound Like.
  2. Subscribe to English Websites, Podcasts and YouTube Channels.
  3. Focus on Words That Are Giving You Trouble and Break Them Down.
  4. Read Out Loud and Record Yourself.
  5. Listen Closely to the Rhythm and Intonation of Words.
23 Jul 2022

How long does it take to learn Chinese pronunciation? ›

It takes about 4-7 years (roughly 2200 to 4000 hours) to become fluent in every aspect of the language, if you spend at least an hour and a half to study every day. However, it's quite common for learners to become more fluent in some areas than others depending on how they allotted their study time.

Why is Chinese pronunciation difficult? ›

In Chinese languages most words are made up of two syllables distinguished by tone (a change in pitch) rather than stress as they would be in English. Chinese speakers might therefore have difficulty hearing or making a distinction between stressed and unstressed syllables.

Can I learn Chinese in 7 months? ›

Simply put, no. It's not possible. You can make great progress for sure, but fluency is a broad term, and you'd need a minimum of a year to get even close to spoken fluency in Chinese.

Can I learn Chinese by myself? ›

Self studying Chinese online can seem exceptionally difficult! But it's not impossible! You can still make good progress or successfully maintain your current level, even from home. There are dozens of free and affordable ways to self-study Mandarin Chinese online.

Is Chinese easy to forget? ›

Chinese can be easy to forget

That's because, more than any language, Chinese needs to be practiced – or used – often to keep your language skills sharp.

How do you teach beginners to pronounce? ›

5 Techniques For Teaching English Pronunciation
  1. 1: Teaching English pronunciation with phonics exercises: ...
  2. 2: Use the different mouth positions to master English pronunciation:
  3. 3: Teaching methods for intonation, syllable stress, and vowel length: ...
  4. 4: Teach students to pronounce words by cross-referencing minimal pairs:
8 Aug 2019

How long does it take to learn pronunciation? ›

People usually achieve noticeable change in their accent, clarity and English speaking confidence within 3 months. A quality course will give you the skills to achieve ongoing improvement. In life we need to make so many decisions about how to spend our time.

Can I learn Chinese in 3 months? ›

With the right work and attitude, you can make massive progress in your Chinese learning in three months. And if having a conversation in Mandarin Chinese is your primary goal, it can be achievable with just three months of study, even if you're starting from zero.

Can I be fluent in Chinese in 2 years? ›

FSI says you will need 88 weeks, somewhere between 1.5–2 years. Another yardstick is the Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK)—the standard proficiency test for Mandarin Chinese.

Is Chinese harder than Japanese? ›

Japanese is slightly easier to learn. But, Chinese is much more widely spoken. Both languages have their pros and cons.

What is the 4th hardest language in the world? ›

4. Russian. Ranking fourth on our list of hardest languages to learn, Russian uses a Cyrillic alphabet — made up of letters both familiar and unfamiliar to us. But speaker beware: some of the Cyrillic letters may look familiar but make a different sound than the Latin letter they resemble.

Is Chinese the most hardest language? ›

As mentioned before, Mandarin is unanimously considered the most difficult language to master in the world! Spoken by over a billion people in the world, the language can be extremely difficult for people whose native languages use the Latin writing system.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.