A Complete Guide to the 12 Vowel Sounds and 8 Diphthongs of the English Language (2024)

A Complete Guide to the 12 Vowel Sounds and 8 Diphthongs of the English Language (1)


Phonetics is a component of linguistics that deals with speech sounds. English has 26 letters of the alphabet which represents 44 sounds.

Among the 44 sounds, there are 12 Pure Vowels (monophthongs), 8 Diphthongs, and 24 Consonant Sounds.

Related: How to Spell the Long and Short Vowel Sounds of the English Language

In this post, you will learn the 12 Pure Vowel sounds and 8 Diphthongs with descriptions along with their symbols.

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The English Phonetics

A Complete Guide to the 12 Vowel Sounds and 8 Diphthongs of the English Language (2)

What is a Vowel?

  • A vowel is a voiced sound. This sound is produced without a noise component.
  • The air which is coming from the lungs without any restrictions is called a vowel.
  • There are 20 vowel sounds in the English language. In that, there are 12 monophthongs and 8 diphthongs.

The tongue positions of the English (pure vowels) monophthongs:

A Complete Guide to the 12 Vowel Sounds and 8 Diphthongs of the English Language (3)

The 12 Vowel Sounds:



  • The front of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised to a height slightly below and behind the close position.


ee – tree / tri:/, cheese / tʃi:z/, canteen / kænti:n/

e - be / bi:/, these / ði:z/.

ie – field / fi:ld/, piece / pi:s/

ea – tea / ti:/, sea / si:/, leaf / li:f/

>>Click here to watch the video on the/i:/ sound.



  • A part of the tongue nearer to the Centre than to the front is raised.
  • It is raised just above the half-close position.


ɪ – sit / sɪt/, with / wɪð/

e – become / bɪk˄m/,

y – city / sɪtɪ/, sympathy / sɪmpəɵɪ/

a – village / vɪlɪdƷ/, private / praɪvɪt/, cabbage / kæbɪdƷ/

ie – cities / sɪtɪs/, ladies / leɪdɪs/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ɪ/ sound.



  • A part of the tongue nearer to the centre than to the back is raised.
  • It is raised just above the half-close position.


u – put / pʊt/, full / fʊl/

o – wolf / wʊlf/, woman / wʊmən/

oo – nook / nʊk/, foot / fʊt/, good / gʊd/

ou – could / kʊd/, courier / kʊriə/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ʊ/ sound.



  • The back of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised nearly to the close position.


oo – soon / su:n/, food / fu:d/

o – do / du:/, who / wu:/

ou – soup / su:p/, through / ɵru:/

u –rude / ru:d/, june / dƷu:n/

ew – chew / tʃu:/, jew / dƷu:/

ui – juice / dƷu:z/

ue – blue / blu:/, true / tru:/

oe – shoe / ʃu:/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /u:/ sound.

Related: A Complete Guide to the 24 Consonant Sounds of English



  • The front of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised to a position between half-close and half-open.


e – bed / bed /, went / went /

ea – head / hed/, breath / breɵ/

ie – friend / frend /

a – any / enɪ/, many / menɪ /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /e/ sound.



  • The central part of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised (a) to a point between half close and half-open in non – final positions, (b) to open or half-open position. When the vowel occurs final.


a – about / ǝbǝʊt/, woman / vumǝn/

ar – particularly / pǝtIkjulǝlɪ/, forward / fɔ:wǝd/

e – pavement / peɪvmǝnt/, gentleman / dƷentlmǝn/

er – modern / mɒdǝn/, mother/ m˄ðǝ/

i – possible / pɒsǝbl/, horrible / hɒrǝbl/

o – method / meɵǝd/

or – doctor / dɒktǝ/

ou – famous / feɪmǝs/

u – column / kɒlǝm/

oar – cupboard / k˄bǝd/

our – colour / k˄lǝ/

ure – figure/ fɪgǝ/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ǝ/ sound.

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  • The centre of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised to a point between a half-close and half-open position.


ir – bird / b3:d/, girl / g3:l/

er – her / h3:/, serve / s3:v/

ear - heard / h3:d/, earth / 3:ɵ/

or – word / w3:d/, work / w3:k/

our – journey / dƷ3:nI/, courtesy / k3:təsɪ/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /3:/ sound.



  • The back of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised between the half-open and half-close positions.


or – born / bɔ:n/, cord / kɔ:d/

aw – saw / sɔ:/, yawn / jɔ:n/

au – fault / fɔ:lt/, cause / kɔ:s/

ou – bought / bɔ:t/, ought /ɔ :t/

a - all / ɔ:l/, talk / tɔ:k/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ɔ:/ sound.



  • The front of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised just below the half-open position.


a – pat / pæt /, hand / hænd /, lamp / læmp /

ai – plaid / plæd /


bad / bæd /

bat / bæt /

sacks / sæks /

bag / bæg /

back / bæk /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /æ/ sound.



  • The Centre of the tongue is raised.
  • It is raised just above the fully open position.


u – sun / s˄n /, cut / k˄t /

o – come / k˄m/, front / fr˄nt/

ou – country / k˄ntrɪ/, couple / k˄pl/

oo – blood / bl˄d/, flood / fɪ˄d/

oe – does / d˄z/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /˄/ sound.



  • A part of the tongue between the Centre and the back is raised.
  • It is raised to the open position.


a – pass / pa:s/, branch / bra:ntʃ/

ar – part / pa:t/, car/ ka:/

ear – heart / ha:t/, hearth/ ha:ɵ/

er – clerk / kla:k/, sergeant / sa:dƷənt/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /a:/ sound.



  • The back of the tongue is raised.
  • It is in a fully open position.


o – hot / hɒt /, dog / dɒg/

a – watch / wɒtʃ/, what / wɒt/

ou – cough / kɒf/,

ow – knowledge / nɒlɪdƷ/

au – because / bɪkɒs/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ɒ/ sound.

The 8 English diphthongs

A diphthong is a vowel sound with a deliberate glide. It is represented in phonetic transcription by a sequence of two elements (Symbols). The first element shows the position of the organs of speech at the beginning of the glide. The glide terminates on the second element.

A diphthong consists of a single syllable. That is, the vowel glide must be performed within one syllable. You must remember that the length and stress are concentrated on the first element of a diphthong. The second element is made less prominent.



  • The glide begins from /ɪ/ and moves towards /ə/
  • The lips are neutral.


eer – deer / dɪə/

ear – dear / dɪə/, fear / fɪə/

ere – here / hɪə/

eir – weired / wɪəd/

ier – fierce / fɪəs/

ea – idea / aɪdɪə/


ear / ɪə/

feared / fɪəd /

severe / sɪvɪə /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /IƏ/ sound.

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  • The glide begins from /ʊ/ and moves towards /ə/.
  • The lips are weakly rounded at the beginning of the glide and become neutrally spread.


oor – poor / pʊə/

ure – pure / pjʊə/, sure / ʃuə/

ur – curious / kjʊərɪəs/, during / dʊərɪŋ/

our – tour / tʊə/

ewer – fewer / fjʊə/


sure / ʃʊə /

fluent / flʊənt /

tourist / tʊərɪst /

>>Click hereto watch the video on the /ʊə/ sound.



  • The glide begins in the half-open from the position/e/and moves in the direction of/ə/.
  • The lips are neutral.


are – care / keə/, rare / reə/

air – fair / feə/, chair / tʃeə/

ear – bear / beə/, wear / weə/

ere – here / heə/, there / ðeə/

eir – their / ðeə/, heir / heə/


air / eə /

hair / heə /

rare / reə /

>>Click hereto watch the video on the/eə/sound.



  • The glide begins from /e/ slightly below the half-close position and moves in the directions of /ɪ/
  • The lips are spread.


a – late / leɪt/, game / geɪm/

ay – day / deɪ/, may / meɪ/

ai – aim / eɪm/, waist / weɪst/

ei – eight / eɪt/, vein / vein/

ey – they / ðeɪ/

ea – great / greɪt/, break / breɪk/

>>Click here to watch the video on the /eɪ/ sound.



  • The glide begins from /Ɔ:/ slightly below the half-close position and moves in the direction of /ɪ/
  • The lips are spread.


oy – boy / bɔɪ/, joy / dƷɔɪ/

oi – voice / vɔɪs/, point / pɔɪnt/


oil / ɔɪl /

coin / kɔɪn /

annoy / ənɔɪ /

ointment / ɔɪntmənt /

join / dƷɔɪn /

destroy / destrɔɪ /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /ɔɪ/ sound.



  • The glide begins from just above the open position /a:/ and moves towards /I/.
  • The lips are spread.


i – five / faɪv/, mine / maɪn/, file / faɪl/

u – buy / baɪ/, guy / gaɪ/

ie – tie / taɪ/, die / daɪ/

y – fly / flaɪ/


right / raɪt /

lie / laɪ /

fly / flaɪ /

>>Click hereto watch the video on the/aɪ/sound.



  • The glide begins at a central position / ə/ between half close and half-open. It then moves in the direction of /ʊ /
  • The lips are neutral for the first element and sounded for the second.


o – so / səʊ/, old / əʊld/, home / həʊm/

oa – road / rəʊd/, soap / səʊp/

oe – toe / təʊ/, foe / fəʊ/

ou – soul / səʊl/, though / ðəʊ /

ow – know / nəʊ/, blow / bləʊ/


old / əʊld /

go / gəʊ /

nose / nəʊz /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /əʊ/ sound.




  • The glide begins at a point between the back and front open position /a:/ and moves towards /ʊ/.
  • The lips change from a neutrally open to a weakly sounded position.


our – house / haʊs/

ow – cow / kaʊ/, brown / braʊn/


owl / aʊl /

loud / laʊd /

allow / əlaʊ /

>>Click here to watch the video on the /aʊ/ sound.


Hope that this learning material on Vowel sounds and Diphthongs is helpful in improving your pronunciation. You need to practice these sounds in your day-to-day conversations regularly to get good fluency and proper pronunciation.

A Complete Guide to the 12 Vowel Sounds and 8 Diphthongs of the English Language (2024)


What are the 12 vowel sounds in English? ›

Vowel Sounds
  • /ɪə/
  • /ʊə/
  • /eə/
  • /eɪ/
  • /ɔɪ/
  • /aɪ/
  • /aʊ/
  • /əʊ/

What are the 8 diphthongs in English? ›

Therefore diphthongs are also called gliding vowels. There are 8 diphtongs sounds in common english pronounciation namely – /a?/ , /e?/ , /??/ ,/a?/ ,/e?/ ,/??/ ,/??/, /??/.

How many vowels and diphthongs are there in English? ›

There are 20 vowel sounds in English. Among them 12 pure vowel sounds (monophthong) and 8 diphthongs in the English language.

What are the diphthongs explain with the examples? ›

A diphthong is a sound formed by combining two vowels in a single syllable. The sound begins as one vowel sound and moves towards another. The two most common diphthongs in the English language are the letter combination “oy”/“oi”, as in “boy” or “coin”, and “ow”/ “ou”, as in “cloud” or “cow”.

How many diphthongs does English have? ›

Nearly all dialects of English include the three major diphthongs [aɪ] , [aʊ] , and [ɔɪ].

How many types of diphthongs are there in English? ›

In most varieties of English, the phrase "no highway cowboy" (/noʊ ˈhaɪweɪ ˈkaʊbɔɪ/) has five distinct diphthongs, one in every syllable.
vowel and semivowel⟨haj kaw⟩broad transcription
two vowel symbols⟨haɪ̯ kaʊ̯⟩narrow transcription
1 more row

What are the diphthongs vowel sounds? ›

The Primary Diphthongs
  • /eɪ/ as in day, pay, say, lay.
  • /aɪ/ as in sky, buy, cry, tie.
  • /ɔɪ/ as in boy, toy, coy or the first syllable of soya.
  • /ɪə/ as in beer, pier, hear.
  • /eə/ as in bear, pair, and hair.
  • /ʊə/ as in tour, poor or the first syllable of tourist.
  • /əʊ/ as in oh, no, so, or phone.
Jan 22, 2019

How many vowel sounds are there in English? ›

While we learn A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y, English, depending on speaker and dialect, is generally considered to have at least 14 vowel sounds.

What are the 8 vowels in English? ›

The cells indicate the ranges of articulation that could reasonably be transcribed with those cardinal vowel letters, [i, e, ɛ, a, ɑ, ɔ, o, u, ɨ], and non-cardinal [ə]. If a language distinguishes fewer than these vowel qualities, [e, ɛ] could be merged to ⟨e⟩, [o, ɔ] to ⟨o⟩, [a, ɑ] to ⟨a⟩, etc.

What are the 13 vowels in English? ›

B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, and Z.

What are the 14 vowels in English? ›

With our revised definition, there are at least 14 vowel sounds that are common to almost all English dialects: These are the sounds in the words BEAT, BIT, BAIT, BET, BAT, BOT, BUTT, BOOT, BITE, BOUT, and BERT. There's also the vowel in PUT, the vowel in BOYS, and a vowel called schwa.

What is the rarest vowel? ›

R-colored vowels are exceedingly rare, occurring in less than one percent of all languages. However, they occur in two of the most widely spoken languages: North American English and Mandarin Chinese. In North American English, they are found in words such as dollar, butter, third, color, and nurse.

What are the 15 vowels in English? ›

The 15 American English vowel sounds by color name
  • /iy/ as in GREEN.
  • /ɪ/ as in SILVER.
  • /ey/ as in GRAY.
  • /ɛ/ as in RED.
  • /æ/ as in BLACK.
  • /ɑ/ as in OLIVE.
  • /ə/ as in MUSTARD.
  • /ɔ/ as in AUBURN.
Sep 24, 2010

What is the hardest sound to pronounce? ›

  • Description. The “TH” sound is the hardest sound in the English language. It is made by placing your tongue through your teeth.
  • Why it is hard. The “TH” sound is incredibly difficult for the majority of English learners. ...
  • Example Words. PRACTICE.

How do you explain diphthongs to students? ›

An easy way for students to remember the meaning of the word diphthong is to think of it like this: diphthong is an unusual word. A diphthong is a group of letters that makes an unusual sound that is not like either of the letters on their own. The letters can only make this sound when they work together!

Why is diphthongs important? ›

So, knowing just the short and long sounds of the individual letters is not enough when learning to read because a diphthong creates a unique sound as its two vowel sounds glide together. This means that spotting diphthongs is essential for accurate pronunciation.

What's the difference between a digraph and a diphthong? ›

The terms digraph and diphthong are common terms in the reading world. At Readsters' workshops on spelling or phonics, we find that many people are confused about the difference between the two terms. The clear difference is that digraphs are letters and diphthongs are sounds.

How many diphthongs are there in Old English? ›

The English of southeastern England around 1400 had seven diphthongs, of which three ended in a front vowel: /ɛi/ as in nail, day, whey (the product of the vein–vain merger)

How many diphthong sounds are there? ›

Gimson there are 8 English diphthong sounds. Feel free to choose your preferred set! Normally an English diphthong has a long sound, unless of course it doesn't, as in “wood” or “said“. English diphthongs, like many other parts of English need to be memorised.

What are the 12 Monophthongs and diphthongs? ›

If you observe the position of the tongue, the mouth will remain the same when these words are pronounced. There are 12 pure vowels or monophthongs in English – /i:/, /?/, /?/, /u:/, /e/, /?/, /?:/, /?:/, /æ/, /?/, /?:/ and /?/.

Which language has the most diphthongs? ›

Top 10 languages for number of vowels + diphthongs
  • Estonian : 45.
  • Finnish : 34.
  • Danish : 32.
  • Welsh : 31.
  • Lithuanian : 30.
  • Icelandic, Romanian : 27.
  • Dutch, English, Norwegian : 25.

What language has no diphthongs? ›

Some languages do not have diphthongs, except sometimes in rapid speech, or they have a limited number of diphthongs but also numerous vowel sequences that cannot form diphthongs and so appear in hiatus. That is the case of Japanese, Nuosu, Bantu languages like Swahili, and Lakota.

What is the other name of diphthongs *? ›

The process of moving from one vowel sound to another is called gliding, which is why another name for a diphthong is a gliding vowel but they are also known as compound vowels, complex vowels, or moving vowels.

How do you memorize diphthongs? ›

Remember pronunciation is physical and the important thing to remember with the diphthongs is that they are two sounds combined.
In the second column sounds end with /ɪ/ or /iː/ depending on the word.
  1. At the top we have /eɪ/. ...
  2. Then we have /ɔɪ/ starting on the /ɔ:/ and finishing on the /ɪ/.

What is the diphthong rule? ›

A diphthong is the double vowel sound that can occur when there are two vowels side by side, such as in 'foil' and 'pout,' or in words with a single vowel, such as 'late' and 'joy. ' Although a diphthong has two distinct vowel sounds, they remain within the same syllable, or unit of sound.

What is the difference between vowel teams and diphthongs? ›

While vowels are letters that produce a single sound, diphthongs make two vowel sounds in a single syllable. You would typically break up syllables between two vowel sounds, but diphthongs instead have two sounds without that break.

Which vowel teams are diphthongs? ›

Diphthong Vowel Teams: oi, oy, ou, ow, au, aw, oo.

What are the 20 vowel sounds we have? ›

English has 20 vowel sounds. Short vowels in the IPA are /ɪ/-pit, /e/-pet, /æ/-pat, /ʌ/-cut, /ʊ/-put, /ɒ/-dog, /ə/-about. Long vowels in the IPA are /i:/-week, /ɑ:/-hard,/ɔ:/-fork,/ɜ:/-heard, /u:/-boot.

Do any English words have no vowels? ›

The words without vowels are why, hmm, hymn, xlnt, wynd, myths, thy, dry, cyst, etc.

Which English word has all 5 vowels? ›

EUNOIA is the shortest word in English which has all five vowels.

Are there 12 vowels? ›

English has 26 letters of the alphabet which represents 44 sounds. Among the 44 sounds, there are 12 Pure Vowels (monophthongs), 8 Diphthongs, and 24 Consonant Sounds.

What are the 15 main vowel sounds? ›

The 15 American English vowel sounds by color name
  • /iy/ as in GREEN.
  • /ɪ/ as in SILVER.
  • /ey/ as in GRAY.
  • /ɛ/ as in RED.
  • /æ/ as in BLACK.
  • /ɑ/ as in OLIVE.
  • /ə/ as in MUSTARD.
  • /ɔ/ as in AUBURN.
Sep 24, 2010

Are there 14 vowels? ›

For most speakers of American English, there are 14 vowel sounds, or 15 if we include the vowel-like sound in words like bird and her. The phonemic symbols for the vowels are shown in the table below. For each sound, you'll see at least two symbols.

What are the 20 vowels of English? ›

English has 20 vowel sounds. Short vowels in the IPA are /ɪ/-pit, /e/-pet, /æ/-pat, /ʌ/-cut, /ʊ/-put, /ɒ/-dog, /ə/-about. Long vowels in the IPA are /i:/-week, /ɑ:/-hard,/ɔ:/-fork,/ɜ:/-heard, /u:/-boot.

What are 16 vowels? ›

  • अ a.
  • आ ā
  • इ i.
  • ई ī
  • उ u.
  • ऊ ū

What are the 26 vowels? ›

What are the 26 vowels?
  • There are 26 letters in the English Alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z.
  • There are 5 vowels in English: A, E, I, O, U.
  • There are 21 consonants in English: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z.

What are the 44 sounds in English? ›

English contains 19 vowel sounds—5 short vowels, 6 long vowels, 3 diphthongs, 2 'oo' sounds, and 3 r-controlled vowel sounds—and 25 consonant sounds. The following lists provide sample words to use when teaching the sounds of the English language.

Are there 5 or 7 vowels? ›

The alphabet is made up of 26 letters, 5 of which are vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and the rest of which are consonants. A vowel is a sound that is made by allowing breath to flow out of the mouth, without closing any part of the mouth or throat.

What are 21 vowels 5 consonants? ›

The English alphabet has 5 vowels and 21 consonants.

Which word has only 5 vowels? ›

EUNOIA is the shortest word in English which has all five vowels.

What language only has 3 vowels? ›

Others of these languages, such as Aymara, Cherokee, and Haida, have three-vowel systems, usually reported as having two high vowels /i, u/ and a low central vowel /a/.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.